So now I have to forfeit all Priest games because of the Teron Gorefiend infinite bombing card ressuretion until you are kilt.
What were devs thinking when they made this " I WIN " card?
Are you talking about shadow undead priest ?
If you play faster/have good healing/manage their board they shouldn’t be too hard to deal with
After that every deck can have a good opening and bad matchups, but Their deck can also low roll and auto loose
No a regular priest the gives bomb deathrattle minions reborn and keeps ressurecting them or making enough copies that when they paly Teron Gorefiend they die and rez forever dropping their bombs on you.
Well if they play theses minions on curve you can just clear them so teron can’t create another wave. Yes you will take the deathrattle damage but less than if ther went face for several turns and they won’t be able to snowball on you
And if this is a combo deck you can just play a faster deck
You don’t seem to understand. Once they play Teron Gorefiend it starts the infinite loop of deathrattle bombs and ressurections. You never get another turn.
If you had iceblock as a mage the game would last forever.
I can’t understand if you don’t give me more context
How can Teron played on a bomb with reborn create an infinite loop ?
I don’t know the exact mechanics because I don’t play a priest. Second time someone has played that against me. Teron Gorefiend also keeps resuurecting because they gave it reborn? Someone figured out perect mechanics of spells and deathrattles to keep the infinite loop going. The only thing that would stop it is iceblock in which case it would be a stalemate because the priest turn never ends because spells rezzes continue forever. Blizzard would have to end the game or maybe they timeout after an hour or so.
its an otk deck kind of exodia type deck
reckless experimenter
ticking abomination
fate splitter
1-2 naval mines
teron gorefiend
it isnt a single card like he says on the OP that isnt true
is a 5 card combo(thats why is called exodia )
i only saw it once so far
I got hit with this deck once too. I was shocked then was like “ooooo that’s a cool deck,” tried friending the player but they never accepted, probably thought I was going to scream at them which is understandable since I’ve been “yelled” at before; but that deck looked like it would have been fun against my friends lol
This is surely the deck :
I’m pretty sure Their called Exodia decks because they can kill you at any given health
The first Exodia deck we’ve had was Exodia mage with the UnGoro quest and it was a 6 cards combo (Quest Reward, Antonidas, double sorcerer apprentice, double molten reflection)
Thanks! And that’s a funny name for a deck.
And don’t call me Shirley.
Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
Mage has a similar thing. Druid has a similar thing. They don’t use the bomb idea but Mage gets extra turn after extra turn. It’s ridiculous that they let these cards stay as they are. But you know what they ban? A freaking Priest card that allows you to draw 2 minions. These devs are the worst.
and allowed you to play a 20/20 on turn 2, or 2 20/20 on turn 3 depending of the version you were playing
mage has a 6 mana otk combo too? must be a new one i havent seen anything like it yet
yep thats the one mac decks are popular arent they whenever i see s omeone using a weird interaction for a combo ingame i always find a video about posted less than a month before seeing it in wild
well that what exodia does and so far i havent seen a less than 5 card combo being called exodia
Well there has been some but I think each time they got named after an hearthstone card
For reference, before cataclysm got reworked, warlock could otk you with Mecha’thun with down to 2 cards.
It required that you dug through your whole deck but exodia mage also required that you completed a quest.
First version I played was in an evenlock : thaurissan on bloodbloom and macha’thun, then mecha’thun+bloodbloom+cataclysm
Then they nerfed bloodbloom to 4 to I switched to a regular highlander warlock :
Dollmaster Dorian + plot twist + cataclysm
Then questline arrived and that deck was too slow especially against pirate warrior, so eventually I had to switch to the more popular version that just rushed through the deck and just dumped mecha thun and cataclysm reduced each by 2
How could you possibly draw a 20/20 by turn 2 and play it? Even the Astro Mech card, whatever it’s called wouldn’t be that high by turn 2.
And if that’s your argument than nerf Rogue with that mine/blade/minion that sets off the mine for like 30+ points by round 6 every freaking time.
build a deck with 28 spells and for only minions a 0 mana 1/1 and the darkness (4 mana 20/20)
Either play illuminate on turn 1 that dredges switcheroo or start with the coin
Play switcheroo (pre-nerf) on turn 2
That gives you a 4 mana 1/1 and a 0 mana 20/20
Alternatively, replace the 0 mana minion by Twin-fin Fin Twin
Switcheroo on 2
Turn 3 you can play 2 20/20 rush for 3 mana
I never argumented about that. I’m just pointing out why Switcheroo got targeted so hard.
I stand corrected. So they kill that card but let Mage have an endless turn with Time Warp, Rommath and the card that makes a 1/1 copy of him. I mean come on, these devs s**k.
what are you talking about
they nerfed parrotbecause it allwed time warping around the same turns you could play this combo before they killed it