Unable to beat Cap'n Hogger in the tutorial

So, I’ve got a frustrating issue in the tutorial…I managed to get too many mercenaries killed off in the opening of the mercenaries tutorial (my own darn fault, I was being careless because Blizz tutorials are generally idiot proof. I’m the idiot to prove it wrong… :slight_smile: ). Upon arriving at Cap’n Hogger, I’m down to Cariel Roame and Xyrella and have been able to do anything but get their butts kicked.

So basically, I’m stuck at this point of the tutorial, unable to move past, unable to go after the WoW mount, and (most annoying) can’t even open the Merc packs that are waiting for me. They’ve been taunting me the past couple of weeks.

I’ve opened a ticket twice, and was told that there is nothing the GMs can do (apparently they can’t simply reset the tutorial so I can rerun it), and that I should post in the community forum.

So here I am! Anyone have any cool ideas or amazing strats that will help me beat Hogger with an inadequate force?

So i haven’t gotten stuck yet, but i have done a alright amount of mercs up to all my chars up to 30.

I’m not sure what can help. But i think there might be two options you can mess with (I am not sure what will work in the tutorial)

I lost access to the tutorial, so i only had trump’s beta footage as a reference with lvl 4 units with a 3/16 Cariel and 1/9 cariel

  1. You could attempt to see if you could cheese the encounter, maybe try to focus fire the right gnoll by using xyrella to drain his attack, and then attacking or taunting with cariel.

  2. If you could kill them, and cariel survives and the gnoll dies (xyrella might die), it might be worth looking into seeing if you can spam the taunt to heal 4. It might not heal much, but hogger should have to take damage every time he attacks you, and if it’s spammable maybe you could end the fight by just waiting for hogger to smash himself to death after the gnoll dies.

At the bottom there should be a view party / Retire run button. (However this looks disabled in Trump’s tutorial video, so i am not sure)

I would either try to cheese the run with cariel taunt spam after killing a gnoll, or mess around with strats.

Worse case scenario if you’re only after mount and not the account, you could try doing the introduction on a eu or foreign zone for you. But that feels messy, maybe i’d see if you can cheese it or get blizzard to fix it later if you have a chance. (All they would need to do is enable retire run to tutorial),

Edit: So i just re ran the tutorial on a different region account, and simulated the scenario with Cariel and Xyrella and a unused grommash.

So it appears, Cariel taunt spam + a few cariel attacks can get through the encounter, but if cariel died, im not sure what you can do, and the game might truly been softlocked.

Blizzard might have fired some q/a but im sure they could put a fix for this by just adding some code to let you retire the run to prevent softlocks,

Anyways, luckily for you, you have cariel, so try to focus on taking out the smaller gnoll first, maybe Xyrella Blinding luminescence + Cariel hammer smack, After that, Taunt up cariel for the 4 healing + return damage when attacked, And spam her 4 taunt healing and attacks as you need to victory. Hogger can only deal 3-4 damage a turn, and cariel can heal 4 a turn while dealing 3 back each attack.

Hogger will probably kill 1/9 xyrella with a 8 dmg crit. Don’t worry about this, cariel is all you need to win and you get mercs back on map victory, Repeat spamming taunt to heal up and win through endurance, and you should be able to win the map as long as you can take down the gnoll and/or taunt enough.

But blizzard should probably fix the potential soft/hard lock yeah.

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thank you very much. I guess I wasn’t patient enough, taunting with Cariel throughout the fight worked; Xyrella died a couple of turns in as you predicted but Hogger couldn’t get Cariel down fast enough.

I appreciate you taking the time to help a newbie out. :grin:


what a madlad,
you are attempting something like this when they doesn’t even check for bugs / glitch before the game is released.

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Hi, I do have the same problem; I got too many mercenaries killed off and cannot beat Cap’n Hogger, I played all possible strategies but the enemies just have too much HP, so the game is softlocked at this point.

Was any solution found for this?

Thank you.

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