Two styles of signature card?

Compare the Arcsplitter signature card with the signature card for DJ Manastorm of for Void somethingorother.

There are two different styles. Arcsplitter has a ribbon and jewel across the middle, while DJ Manastorm’s artwork is uninterrupted, with name at botom and jewel at top of the card.

I much prefer the latter style - better view of the artwork. Do you?

Arcsplitter is from March of the Lich King, the first set to include signature cards. Based on player feedback, signature cards from the next set, Festival of Legends, were redesigned. That is why you like the later cards like DJ Manastorm better.

the card format is just a template. surprising they didn’t apply the new template to the older cards.

Signature cards are suppose to change each expansions. The ones from Litch King were horrible. They were a huge disappointment.

but wouldn’t you like to hold a card with spikes on it?

what do you mean, no?

The Litch King signature cards are just ink blobs, were are the worst designed cards in the game.

They would have to pay someone for their time to do that. Even if it seems like it would be a quick change, I just don’t see Blizzard using any resources to do it.