Twist = Wild Lite

Dear Community,

The new Twist mode is basically the lite version of the Wild format we are all too familiar with.

Please prove me wrong or like this post if you agree.

Twist is a fun balance between Standard and Wild. A much needed change from the dry boring stale Classic that they finally removed it.


In my opinion the mode is not impossible to balance, just need to ban all the Quest cards, Hero cards and DK, DH class, and remove Drakefire amulet + Haleh dragon. Then the mode would be much more betterā€¦ even would be simillar to Classic which it wants to replaceā€¦ thats itā€¦

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thatsā€¦just a suggestion to make it as boring as classic was

Twist is no more than a rush deck fest. Most games donā€™t last 8 rounds. Not my cup of tea.

Why is it balanced lite? Because it has non-standard cards? Whatā€™s the reason for the comparison here?

OP didnā€™t say

he said

And yes, it is just a mode to have only a select number of unbalanced power combos, rather than all of them.

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Twist = Wild greedy, They change the rules oftenly for revoke players T1 decks and created new T1 decks which milk a lot of money.

which is why they called it LITE.

Go play wild, then. twenty character limit.

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Yes I misspoke. Obviously I intended to say Wild-lite. Not super difficult to figure out

I mean first impressions are important, especially in the gaming industry, even more so in a live service game.

For me, the chosen expansions and rules didnā€™t do it for me. In fact, I think it was a terrible decision. Makes me think/feel not a lot of thought is going into the mode, period. The concept of Twist is interesting, but going back into a year of expansions wherein arguably the worst expansion exists and you have some exhausted combos/decks was a bad idea.

As of right now, I donā€™t think any more thought than tossing a dart at a board of ā€œRulesā€/expansions per rotation will happen given the choices made from the get go. Weā€™ll just have to wait and see their plans after this short season.

I mean tbh they probably chose recent expansions so that as many people as possible could participate while understanding that idea behind the format and why itā€™s only a month long. Theyā€™re able to sell relatively recent packs from older sets and gauge interest.

Itā€™s harder to drive hype when the introduction is going to be cards from GvG or Witchwood. A lot of players are just going to be barred from playing, and that will happen in some Twist rotations, but if weā€™re talking about first impressions itā€™s arguably an even worst first impression if the smallest number of players are even able to get into it.

Thereā€™s also nothing saying rotations HAVE to be a month long, itā€™s just what theyā€™ve chosen with the beta. It could be longer, it could be shorter. A lot of metrics are probably being gathered and theyā€™re probably looking at the forums as well. I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to write it off because you personally dislike the sets used and therefore ā€˜all future Twist rotations are bound to be as bad as this one because FitB is legalā€™ or something.

But forum contribution helps. If you can provide something more constructive than ā€œI donā€™t like these sets, Twist sucksā€ and maybe articulate WHY you dislike these sets, they can focus in on what makes these sets unlikeable and curate things more carefully for the format in the future when deciding on rules + card pool. That said, some sets you dislike are going to be seen. There are going to be sets that are in Twist now that will be seen later on. Maybe certain cards are banned off the bat, maybe not.

I can agree on this point. It makes sense to make it as accessible as possible to current players, which may derive new/returning players.

Why? Isnā€™t one of the appeals of the mode supposed to be using older sets? I wouldā€™ve had way more interest if they tossed those into the ring instead of the last three to rotate, but I can only speak for myself.

I never said the mode is bad. I said the chosen expansions and rules they chose werenā€™t the best for an out the gate start. Again, Iā€™m only talking about myself, of course. They couldā€™ve mixed it up with different expansions from different years, but instead we got something we only recently stopped playing as a whole. Do I think that makes it a bad mode? Nope. I think it has potential. I just think they had a bad start.

I was definitely more constructive than this. I gave my overall impression with the first iteration of Twist. Never explicitly said the mode sucks.

I recognize this. One more time, I said itā€™s unfortunate they did one whole year of sets, especially the most recent one.

I think the mode could be fun, but with the first iteration I feel it will be more of picking sets/rules out of a hat, which could be fun but I donā€™t know because they did the whole most recent year of expansions and simply said no neutrals.

I like twist idea but i think is to slow on changing , 1 change every month are 12 twists/year and usually after 1st week best decks are already found and copy-pasted by anyone.

I know new player will be mad becouse creating cards for a 7-15 day period is not good ( but eventualy used later ) , but i think twist is focused for old players to give a reason to have all cards and change the wild meta.

And Iā€™m in the same boat. I desperately WANT older sets to be played. There are tons of cards in the game that never saw play either because there was too little support that came in later sets OR the comparative power level when certain cards released was just too low alongside whatever was meta at the time.

I mean this more in the way that it goes hand-in-hand with my first point ā€“ the introduction of the format should get as many players involved as possible. I donā€™t mean older sets canā€™t draw hype down the line, but as an intro, you canā€™t alienate a huge portion (majority probably) of the player base while still drawing hype.