Twist Season Two

With streamers and most Hearthstone websites ignoring the arrival of the new Twist season 2, the season felt like it didn’t even really start until The Battle of Ahn’Qiraj event started on September 5th.

The devs were wise to include The Battle of Ahn’Qiraj event, because it’s what pulled me into playing this Twist season, along with a lot of other players.

It would be smart of them to continue to stoke new seasons of Twist with similar events until the new mode catches on and becomes popular. The event is sure to provide a lot of fodder to pummel as a lot of players experiment with budget decks at low ranks.

I am currently earning Twist event rewards with 9 different collections (8 of them are F2P), and I found that it’s possible to create a decent deck (without any Legendary cards) by spending around 1800 to 2000 dust to craft about 15 of 16 cards for any collection that did not dust its old cards. All of my collections should hit Gold Rank 5 or higher as I complete event quests today.

So far, at low ranks, I have encountered a lot of:

Face Hunter
C’Thun Rogue
Jade Rogue
Jade Druid & Jade Shaman
C’Thun decks of other classes
Discard Warlock

I am enjoying this Twist season, while the ladder contains a lot of experimental diversity.

I think The Scarab Lord is broken in this format, and I am sure glad that it’s a legendary.

It’s pretty obvious why: it’s a complete mess. The outright lies about the way the card duplication worked, the sheer ridiculousness of the pricing and so on show this was thought of first as a pure cash grab and how to get the company first (a pure greed mode), and something that actually worked second.

Considering the favorable coverage for access has been known for some time, they no doubt also “suggested” it not get covered, lest anywhere covering this debacle lose any media access they have.