Twist packs above badlands in shop

what a poor choice to put the twist packs above the badlands packs and labeling them NEW. I thought oh lets open my 10 packs and see what legendary i get. So i buy 10 of the packs labled NEW. NOPE wrong packs so thanks for having me waste half my gold on an already dead format. Makes me want to go play any number of non blizzard games when you pull shady tactics like that.

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why didnt you cancel the purchase after the name of the packs mentioned on the pop up wasnt badlands ?

you know
“are you sure you want to buy /number of packs//expancion the packs belong/ to> ?
you cant undo it once you confirm”

the name of the expansion pops up on your face when you log in for the firs time after igoes live i have no idea how did you confirm the purchase for the wrong one

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Tbh, the whole shop is a huge mess. All I want is to buy some packs for the current expansion. Should be easy and simple, right? Nope. Because you have to scroll damn near halfway down past a bunch of bundles and superfluous stuff, just to get to what should be at the very top of the shop. It really does disgust me.


Ahh the old blame blizzard for your incompetence ploy. Lmao

People are still doing this 10 years after launch shows how stupid people are.