Twist Mode Jade C'thun Rogue Needs nerfing

When I first started playing Twist mode and was in the low ranks it was really fun. Playing new decks, old decks of past, and enjoying a nostalgia trip while still getting the competition I was looking for. But after reaching gold, it became hilariously obvious how narrow and stale the meta is. 50% of my games are against C’thun Jade Rogue, the other 50% being the kids who actually want to have a challenge. The deck has insane tempo with Shuriken, Spirit + Shadowstep, and Aya as well as the basic C’thun disciples. Golems that not only add value but scale late game. They have really good cheap removal, fan of knives, eviscerate, backstab, blade of C’thun, a combo breaker with telegram, sprint + preperation for big card draw, and late game enders with C’thun himself and Eye tentacles. It can out tempo aggro decks, out scale midrange decks and out value late game ones all the while never losing steam. They need to nerf cards like telegram, Blade of C’thun, and Sprint to give this deck some drawbacks because right now there’s no point of playing anything else when 85% of decks are an auto loss.

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I play 50% discard warlock,

jade rogue is definitely the 2nd most popular but only around 20%

The C’Thun package is not that good.

I’d say the culprit is “Sprint”. Nerf this and Rogue’s like dead.


Or perhaps some ‘forum analysits’ aren’t. :grinning:

Forgetting discard Warlock and simply Jade rogue (without C’Thun, focusing instead on cards like the Scarab Lord etc).

Completely legitimate thoughts, but nothing that warrants a separate topic, in my opinion. See, for instance, this discussion: I would really like twist if - #31 by SparkyElf-2852.

Yes, I agree on this. Forum analysts that only talks without practice is just bad.

I hit legend (the average line) with Jade Rogue (imgur: /a/tPwVbkx), I can only say that adding C’Thun sucks. Other C’Thun decks don’t work in this meta as well. This is solid proof that the package isn’t that powerful (C’Thun rogue works because Rogue is good, and still it’s a hindrance).

The problem is new players don’t know how to construct/adjust their decks to deal with eyestalk, which can simply be removed by numerous neutral cards (e.g, black knight, spell breaker, big game hunter).

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ehh I suspect you convinced everyone that jade rogue is really good.

last night I won 3/5 games against jade rogue, did not play another deck.

oh well no real reason to play twist till weekly reset.

Jade cthun rogue really isn’t as good as you think. It destroys the slower decks to a pulp, so homebrewing people might think it’s super strong.

However, it gets annihilated by the faster decks like pure jade rogue or, more importantly, discolock.

I don’t know if you need the premium hsreplay sub to see those stats, but I do have it and I see the stats for the decks. It’s a 47% win rate deck believe it or not.

The top decks are Discolock, jade rogue, burn mage and bomb warrior (or nzoth warrior, whatever flavor you’re playing). There’s some shaman and aggro paladin and hints of jade druid. That’s about it.

I suspect lots of people are still in the bronze to gold area where they see cthun jade rogue and think it’s busted because the deck they are playing isn’t an aggro deck. Get to diamond and trying playing that mess, you’ll get pulverized.

It might be good if discolock gets hit hard with a nerf, but good luck on that. Discolock dunks on pretty much everything.

At D8 currently and 80% of my games are against jade rogue and discolock.

Anyone saying the other jade rogue deck isn’t really good doesn’t really know what they’re talking about. 100% fact backed by stats that it’s one of the best and that cthun jade rogue isn’t.


:rofl: Congratulations, you can proudly say, ‘me am smart’ now and consider yourself a skillful pro.

You could also to swagger like this:

Just please don’t throw a tantrum when not everyone is impressed. :grinning:

I’ve lost count to how many times I’ve said it, and I can’t be bothered to dig up my posts for yet another self-citation now, so I guess I’ll just say it once again. You fall into the trap of believing in a ‘winrate of a deck’ (or a card, which is even worse, but that’s another matter) — just like that, ‘in vacuum’, and the misconception of ‘more is better’.

Point number one, for the umpteenth time: consider the absolute best deck in the game for the moment, beating anything else without a chance. What’s its win rate, given enough time? The answer is 50% exactly, of course — pause to think about why and the implications of it, to begin with.

Which doesn’t mean the C’Thun variation of Jade rogue (mostly that Blade of C’Thun) isn’t ‘busted’ anyway — destroying entire archetypes, no less.

With that said, I’ve already pointed out that the C’Thun component is not the main reason Rogue is so ‘busted’. One could think of it more as a possible ‘tech’ choice — out of several ‘busted’ ones.

Apart from occasional appearances of silly, goofy, strange or cheap deck at really low ranks, I’ve never in my ‘career’ noticed a significant difference between ranks, from Bronze 10 to high Legend — mostly the same kind of ‘netdecks’.

Oh, I suppose I could even say it about Standard, which I hadn’t touched for years, but made a small exception during the previous event (this one, I think:, and the last task in particular — dunno why I bothered, but it was an experiment, I guess). So, I grabbed a budget deck at hand and gave it all a go. The sequence of matches looked roughly like this: a hound hunter (what the like of you would call a ‘meta tyrant’ at that point and a direct counter to this one) — a blizzbot — another hound hunter — another blizzbot… So yeah, after hitting 5 wins or so for the seasonal card back, since I was already halfway there anyway, I decided: that was it, I’d had my look — still no reason to bother with the wonderful experience of playing Standard, possibly for years to come. :grinning: But that’s a bit of a digression, back to the topic…

Finally, all the analyses like the one above are little more than claims like, ‘In a game of rock, paper and scissors, scissors are totally the best because everyone in D5-L is playing paper, those who think it’s bad are newbs from Silver where it’s mostly rock they’re facing. It’s totally true, I heff di 100% facts! Anyone saying otherwise doesn’t really know what they’re talking about.’

Apparently, you can try to explain the power balance here to them for all eternity, they’d still be convinced of their views, because somebody showed them ‘di numberz’ — why, they even payed for it gladly. :rofl:

They will never nerf a deck/card in Twist mode.

Just get it out of your “brain”.

How about Wild? They say (linked the video earlier) discard Warlock is insane there, too (can’t confirm or disprove it, since I have zero interest in the mode, but I’ll take the reviewer’s word for it), ‘thanks’ to that new card (location).

One nerf would be an improvement to two modes.

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i play jade cthun rogue in twist, i am in gold, some decks i just outright destroy, but if any of the meta decks face mine, im dead really really quickly

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Yeah, sprint is insane but they are not going to nerf it. Twist lasts for just 1 month, so they are not going to balance this mode I think.

Ever heard about banning cards in a mode, especially such a short-lived one? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: