Twist is now unplayable

I’m now at D3 and nearly every player at this level is a hacker. And nothing is going to happen to these players because they are all on alt accounts or new accounts with the same gibberish name that bots have. There’s really no punishment for these people.

It’s sad this hasn’t been hot fixed asap.


Would thinking that the hackers are planted be completely crazy?

Like, why would you risk your account by hacking in a noncompetitive format. I don’t mean to sound crazy, but I don’t see the benefit. Almost, looks like a publicity stunt to bring in more players after it is fixed.

At least there is talk around Twist now. Would that be the same if it weren’t for the hackers?

It’s not their main accounts.

If you can understand narcissistic people buying botted arena accounts just to play one godlike run, what’s not to understand here?


Its really not that deep. Hackers enjoy ruining the experience for other people. When they get an opening they abuse it


Sure, but why then?

Botted arena accounts is a market, and this isn’t. What do they even get?

Playing the game in a God mode

What do you get by using cheats in GTA San Andreas? Yet people ordinarily did it


Why did you pick San Andreas?

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That’s PVE stuff that you won’t be punished for.
You mean to tell me this huge amount of people are just doing it for a rush? I would believe it if it’s a small amount, but Schyla here says it’s every other player.

The quantity is so big it almost looks orchestrated.

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Why not?

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I’ve never even tried twist loooool

That’s PVE stuff that you won’t be punished for.

You are not getting punished for it here either but Rockstar absolutely revoked licenses on people who had offline trainers installed and logged onto online. Steam used to scan for scripts too and VAC

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Yes. But let’s be clear, not a lot of people are at Diamond-Legend. Legend currently only has 20 people. So hackers are winning games left and right and they are now high up in Diamond already. I’ve ran into the same hacker TWICE already in 3 games.

Just queueing up takes about 2 minutes now because not a lot of players around here.

And other people run into hackers so they stopped playing, much like myself.

Hackers are doing it for the pure joy of playing God mode and ruining other people’s experiences. They like the instant gratification of winning. They think it’s fun to abuse the system. People like this exist in all walks of life. I think you underestimate the narcissistic nature of many people. Cheating to win is widespread in every competition.

So it’s not that the number of people are cheating is huge, it’s that the number of people at Diamond-Legend is so low that just having 20 people hacking at any given time would be quite impactful.

Even if you run into a hacker 1 out of 2 games, you can’t gain rank. So tons of players will be stuck at D5 unable to move forward because hackers are instant losses and they get instant wins against non-hackers. Thus, hackers will be in the D4+ area quite quickly.

I didn’t get a single hacker until D3. Now I win a game, face a hacker, lose, win a game, face a hacker, lose, repeat. I can’t queue up anymore. Just a single hacker in that area makes it impossible.


I’ve always found cheating in a competitive environment to be a fascinating topic. There’s so many aspects to it. That’s not to say I approve of it, but I’ve always just been interested in the various nuances.

For example, as you mentioned these accounts don’t appear to be main accounts, but alts. So that tells me the cheaters don’t wish to gain anything non-ephemeral from cheating, they are fully aware their actions will lead to a ban. So what are their motivations? To ruin another player’s fun? That seems implausible, but then again I might be projecting onto the matter, I don’t find ruining other people’s fun fun myself, but Im pretty sure there exist people like that.

Is it just for shts and giggles? If so I wouldn’t expect this to be a lasting phenomenon. I guess we will see.

This is really the motivation behind a lot of hackers.

Back when I was much younger and gaming online was fairly newer, there was a way to “hack” playing chess. I did it for the pure enjoyment of ruining someone else’s experience because there were a lot of sh*t talkers online in the chess community and I wanted to humble them in a way. I did it for a month and thought it was funny, but I got bored of it after awhile. I’ve never done any sort of hacking since then. Like I said, that was early in gaming online…we’re talking mid-late 1990s. It’s not that I was bad at chess, I was an average player. I definitely couldn’t beat these people normally and I had no other way of “watching them lose” other than this.

Since then, I’ve seen lots of people hack games. You can go watch many of them online as they post videos of it. The majority of them do it purposefully to ruin other people’s fun and to feel a sense of power. It’s generally people who could never get to the level of other players so they get a sense of winning when they beat people they normally couldn’t.

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I have mixed feelings.

On the one hand, this sort of problem is the kind that runs deep. It’s not really reasonable to expect Blizzard programmers to work on this for a week and have a solution that quickly. They’d need to rewrite a lot.

On the other hand, I’m pretty sure that this is just the Duels cheat applied to a different mode. This probably isn’t a new problem, it’s a months old problem that’s now in a mode that they aren’t planning on deleting. It’s truly an embarrassment that they launched this new Twist experiment without dealing with what should have been an obvious issue first.

I think it’s impossible that this could happen without at least one employee screaming that the sky is falling, and management simply refusing to listen to them because it would mess with their schedule. To me it is proof of bad management and a workplace culture of intimidation and silencing dissent.


Yeah, to me, this is definitely a management/workplace issue and it’s just the Duels cheat rehashed.

You would think that after they see the Duels cheat issue, ANY mode created after that should immediately have protections from the same issue. Like, how do you NOT test that immediately?

It’s a basic check. Much how a basic check for Standard would be “Does your deck include illegal cards or >30 cards in a deck?” etc. How there isn’t a basic check on illegal cards on the server side is baffling.


Blizzard being Blizzard


Ip ban them let’s see how their main account fairs


funny how they cant hotfix this and allow cheaters to run rampant and ruin other people game experience.

All blizzard games overrun with cheaters. WoW, Ow2, HS. (that i play)

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I mean, I’m sure that there is, technically. But it’s probably more along the lines of “um, that isn’t even a card.” They probably tried to universalize the system too much, so if they just tossed all the Battlegrounds cards into a ban list then that’d make Battlegrounds break. Etc etc.

Also they’re probably trying to use the same system for 3 card deck Brawls, etc.

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