Twist Is Boring Now

Same decks over, and over and over and over. Mage - discover, draw, rope, mana biscuits, matron. Rogue - discover, copy, replay. Priests - quest, overheal, steal. Druid - quest, attack, attack, attack.

When this mode first started, I was delighted to see the many variations of decks and classes. Now it has become so predictable that you know what card your opponent will play before they do. Hence you will know if you have anything to counter it conceding if need be.

I continue to think creativity in deck building should be encouraged. To do this, you will need to show a deck score at the end of the game. Decks consisting of cards that are meta would attain a lower score than one that is comprised of less used cards.

if you get bored of playing a deck…switch to another is what i do for all formats

Twist is just another proof that noone is testing the game on Blizzard’s side. They will have to constantly remove cards from the pool or balance them.

That happened in the Duels mode, the issue is exactly the same.

What else do you think there should be?

Would you like to try deckbuilding? It could be real fun but you’re liable to get destroyed mercilessly.

You don’t create deck variety by implementing a score or other mechanic that punishes players for having decks similar to other players’ decks, you do it by creating an actually balanced meta in which many decks can thrive. Once the cardpool is set (until the next expansion or balance change), the meta is set as well. Maybe the players discover it, maybe they choose to play it, maybe they don’t, but for better or worse the meta is whatever it is. The fact that so many people manage to not know this is utterly astounding.