Twist Balance is Really bad

So Why did we Buff C’thun already the strongest decks of the old four old Gods at the time and not the other Old Gods There is literally only one viable old gold that everyone uses and N’zoth is too inconsistent and comes down way too late. The balance changes for twist were very one sided towards c’thun and jade

N’Zoth is a strange card. It seems good with Emperor Thaurissan, but yet seems evils because of it being returned to hand by Spare Parts.
The balance changes for Twist were very one-sided towards C’Thun and Jade intentionally. Blizzard wants people to be able to re-live old, gem and classic experiences we almost ALL KNOW AND LOVE to have that really good nostalgic player value. (They could use some work.)

I totally agreey with the fact that the other old gods feel like they could use some love but I am not really sure about your statement
I remember N’Zoth being very meta over control decks and Yogg destroying tournaments so efficiently it was the only old god to be nerfed. Y’Shaarj has only been good in hunter later with Barnes and the “no minion” deck, and maybe some niche tier 3 decks from what I recall

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