Turn 5, shamen plays giant totem with 13 damage

This has got to be an expoit or glitch right?

You’ll have to learn that wild is capable of doing some pretty stupid stuff, and you’ll have to accept it, because this is how wild is.

Also when you want to ask a question about something specific it would be nice to have at least the name of the card. Better with a screenshot. Even better with a replay of the game if you have a tracker.

Ok I will accept it but the AI did not give me a card to destroy it even though I had such cards.
The AI decided in advance that I was to lose that game I guess.

Why should it be an AI and not just pure randomness ?
Because you have a removal you should always draw your removal when needed ?

It’s not random though. The cards are curated by an algorithm. Don’t believe me? Ask a dev. They will tell you.
Notice how if you put the gheist card in your deck you won’t get matched up against jade golems anymore??

If you’re talking about wild I never see a jade deck
If you’re talking about twist I never saw a jade druid while cimbing to plat by doing my event quests
I don’t believe people that say that card draw is chosen in advance because there’s no reason for this. People just try to find excuses to why they lost instead of accepting that they can’t win them all

I’m not bothering a dev for such a futile mindstate. How do you know ? Did you ask them ? Then show me a dev offically stating that cards order is chosen specificaly to make people lose games. Then I’ll believe you.

I will explain how I know. I have played this game since it came out. Sometimes I would make a deck that the AI could not figure out how you were winning and you would win like 25 games in a row until it figured out what was making me win. It started keeping certain cards separated and other cards withheld depending on what you were playing against. Over the years this has happened many times. Even this year I made a deck, it took a while to figure out what combos were making me win and then started doing the with holding.
You might not be a long time player, like me. Also I have a super high IQ so I probably see things that you don’t.

I also play the gam esince it searly years.
If that was true, how can you explain that the winrate of my off meta decks never changed, and when I wanted to tryhard to legend I had no issue at all using the same deck ?

How are big priests still able to play Neptulon on turn 2 ?
That deck has been existing for ages now, your “AI” should know about it so how am I able to get 2 divine shield Neptulon on turn 3 if the AI is supposed to make me lose on purpose ?
I play a Big Dragon Rogue that needs one card to stay in the deck and 2 other specific cards to be drawn. If this isn’t respected my deck can’t do anything.
How am I able to play my combo 2 games out of 3 ? Shouldn’t your AI come and get me down more often ?

Claiming to be high IQ is the last thing that would make you look smart.
Even more so when you spam the forum to complain about decks you lose against.
Super high IQ but need sto create 3 posts about pirate decks
Super high IQ but can’t figure out a single way to improve your playstyle against those decks

The more I see oyu on this forum, the more I realize how trolling you are, I’ll just mute you

I am not trolling. I am looking for answers, madam.
As a very high IQ person I see design flaws and many commentors point out these flaws.
Just like asmongold points out what IS NOT FUN in the game of World of warcraft, I am pointing out what is not fun.
Losing on turn 3 or 4 is not fun. That is not strategy, that is a design flaw.
Why do YOU feel no one has the right to point out what they don’t think if fun?
Why do you feel the forum should only reflect your view point?
Explain madam?
I also asked what is the number one deck in the world. I will simply make that deck and also be a number one player. No one has told me what the deck is yet. It has nothing to do with strategy.

…another one who think is hated and targeted by blizzard

For the record, if you’re looking for an invincible deck, stop playing. No deck in Hearthstone is invincible and yes, even Even Shaman (no pun intended) loses. Anyone who tells you their deck has a “60-70% winrate” is probably in Gold or lower. Plus 50% is considered viable and all decks have a weakness. This is called “strategy.”

Even Shaman (I am guessing you are talking about this deck) is murdered by the right control deck. If you can wipe out the totems, the deck has no draw and you eventually drain the Shaman’s resources. I know this, because I’ve been playing this deck on and off since Witchwood. I get my @$$ kicked plenty of times too.

No algorithm is determining your draw. It’s RNG. The algorithm rumor has been floating around on social media since the game began. Also, this type of computation and “AI” would slow down the game immensely. If you knew anything about programming, you’d know that this kind of stuff is more taxing on a CPU - something that a game with mobile players definitely doesn’t want.

The RNG in Hearthstone will screw you. That’s RNG. And yes, it sucks and is another complaint as old as Hearthstone. But that’s card games. I have days my draws absolutely screw me and days that my deck gives me the right things.

However, in light of your frustration and to not dump on your opinion, there are a crap ton of Even Shaman at upper ranks. The nerfs coming may affect this.

Also, referring to yourself as a “HIGH IQ” person does not make you invincible to the whims of chance.

If you need to find good decks, I’d check tempostorm. According to their stats, Even Warrior (Control, which usually keeps Aggro in check) has the best chance against the deck of your particular ire. Mech Rogue and Mech Paladin are also neck and neck as they can move faster with the right hand (they both have draw and mana reduction, which Even Shaman only has on its big cards).

So in short - get good.

I read your entire post. You provided no evidence that the decks are shuffled RNG and drawn out the way they are
Blizzard has never stated it is RNG.
To balance any game, you would want to use an algorithm. It makes it easier to keep “I WIN” combos apart.
Depending on what kind of player you are playing against, it will withhold cards that can devastate the other player.
Of course, once you get up to diamond the algorithm can’t do much to make it fair because in a lot of the builds it literally does not matter in what order you get the cards.
There is nothing for it to withhold, since the order does not affect the game.
The algorithm would run on server side, so it would not have any effect on your CPU. Did you really believe this was happening client side?
Just like when you play world of warcraft the computation and RNG take place server side.
World of warcraft uses very little PC resources and will even work on dial up.
Also there must be a top deck for the top player that must be winning most of the time.
None of this game requires strategy. Especially when you get to the level where it does not matter what order you get the cards. So my question is: “what is the top dog deck for the world champion that has beaten all other players.”

sigh there’s no convincing some people. Of course Blizzard doesn’t announce it’s RNG. It’s common sense. That’s like me announcing “Guess what? Mario can jump!”

There is NO INVINCIBLE deck. Don’t play card games if you can’t handle losing. You’re playing the wrong game. Every deck will lose and top players play more than one (four for tournaments). If you can’t handle it or this “algorithm” that heaven forbid for some reason makes you lose, quit playing.

Many Legend players are running Miracle-Yogg Druid right now so best of luck (and it’s a tough one to pilot if you’re new to it). Of course this “algorithm” will probably screw you, according to your logic. No sense even playing, right? Best of luck to you.

I understand your viewpoint. The reason I say I am high IQ is to let you know that I see things mids do not. So yes, it is obvious to my brain there is an algorithm. Maybe not to other people with lower IQs it is not. That is what IQ is all about. In fact when you get to IQ 90 and lower those people can’t even do a hypothetical in their mind. Like if you ask them, “how would you feel if you didn’t eat breakfast yesterday morning.” All they can answer is, “but I did eat breakfast.” This is just how the brain works. Just like how Einstein had insights into things, you would never have insights too or even think about. For me, the world is quite different. There is more understanding how things work, solving puzzles and riddles is very easy for me. Always has been.