Turn 3 down to 10 health. A auto loss

So now I have to forfeit every warlock game just like druid games because of card running out that no one can beat.
Warlock plays tiney evil night. Then plays another card that discards and does 6 damage for some reason over and over.
By turn 3 I have 10 health left and evil night is up to 7 damage.
Can a Dev explain their thinking on this?
This is unbeatable by anyone. Even a low card boogie can’t survive this. Explain?


Because they are complete idiots when it comes to wild balance.

There used to be a variety of warlock decks but now its all the same crap because free wins.


Just for clarification
Are the devs actually in charge of balancing the game ? Or are they just the ones developping what they are asked to ? If so they are just taking a free bullet

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I don’t think they will. I think with Tiny Knight they wanted to try to get Big Game Hunter or the Ironbeak Owl or Spellbreaker seen as counter play, but overlooked the fact that Malchezaar’s Imp is mega-broken and a super-Gadgezan Auctioneer that will have already have replenished their hand 3 Fold beyond any chance at making a come-back against them with card advantage that was suppose to be loss via discarding for power plays.


That combo can’t be played here. 3/4 keywords barred for some time now.

I played wild yesterday and faced 3 disco noobs. Managed to win ine game and that’s because he didn’t have the new broken location on 2. That location needs a ban or a rework. I don’t think just a simole -1 durability will do the trick. It would be probably ok just with one durability. Or 4 mana 2 durability. It needs a radical nerf or a ban.

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