Turn 2 10/10, Are you even serious at this point?

Seriously now? Is this crap going to be addressed soon? Goldshire gnoll should be banned from Shaman until you figure out what you have to done to the game again.

Why are you giving support to a mechanic that was already broken and very toxic to play against? Now they also get to choose the evolve…

We have to wait a month for this to be fixed now … fantastic.


Actually, we have to wait two months because the card will rotate in April.

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Yup I ran into that today conceded and haven’t played since.


Same, not playing until this is changed. Evolve Shaman is at a 60% winrate, almost 2 out of 3 matches


10/10 is a vacation. 11/11 Taunt who decreases cost of half your cards. The single most oppressive and repetitive few days of Hearthstone in half a decade. Oppressive enough that I have bothered to comment here for the first time ever. It HAS to be addressed before the rotation. Otherwise, no point in playing. Which means no point in being excited for the next set. Which means no need to buy presales. Which means another loss of income for Blizzard. They won’t leave it. They can’t. Because if they leave it, we leave.


well considering they left Brann in the core set and never removed colossals from the evolve mechanic…don’t get your hopes up. Let’s not forget how annoying Neptulon or whatever the colossal’s name is in both Wild and Standard.

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I believe they’ve actually changed the ability to evolve into Colossals. The only minor step of progress so far, I think

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Why do you keep playing this clown show?

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hearthstone is one of the most colossal planetary scam in the videogame field, millions of people who pay money to get unsellable air, fake and manipulated rng, purposely unbalanced matchmaking, and mechanics elaborated only to push the purchase and leave those who do not spend frustrated and dissatisfied

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Is there a way to get my money back? I spent upwards of $300 on this game in the last month. The point was that I have not played in YEARS and wanted to see the new cards and combos. I feel extremely foolish for spending that money just to see Shaman every other game abusing what I would ASSUME is a bug in the upgrade system. I see all these posts about DK, but having to lose between turn 2 and 6 every other game against the same Shaman deck is the most demoralizing gaming experience I have ever had. Is there a way I can get my money refunded to me and completely remove my Hearthstone account? I refuse to play such a scummy and uncounterable deck. Like, what is the plan for that? Does blizzard not do quick patches when such obvious mechanics are broken?

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That entire transformation into a higher tier mechanic and healing any damage at the same time is absurd. The only difference removing the colossal upgrade is not LITERALLY losing on turn 3.

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im starting to think now people who make threads here to complain about shaman are “stealth” bragging about their ranks !!

Came back after a week and lost to the same deck immediately that I was complaining about. At least it took until turn 7 before he transformed his 4 random adventurers into 3 10/10 minions. Time to just throw in the towel lol.

Not really bragging about rank man, it’s just impossible to climb at all if you don’t play these cheese decks that don’t take skill. Why on Earth is random chance more reliable than decks you spend days on to make viable. Takes all the fun out of theory crafting. In my mind, that is a game destroyer.

Just played 3 games in a ROW where they got a 12/12 one game ad 10/10s the 2nd and 3rd game all on turn 3

This game is STUPID

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I basically just instant concede to Shaman at this point. This will be the first time in a long time I don’t get legend cause of it, but there’s just no fun in playing against this BS right now.

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it happens less then you think. Like really less.