Trump reviews all Fractured in Alterac Valley cards!

I think Trump is going to be proved right in his analysis, the meta is not going to slow down with the addition of new cards, so if the new cards don’t make decks that can beat the current meta then they won’t get played and are therefore 1 star.

Maybe stuff wil get nerfed post release, but there’s no way to review cards in the light of some unknown changes to existing decks.

The idea that giving us a load of value cards is somehow going to change things vs decks that don’t care 1 jot about value is the daft idea imo.

Al;so anyone who thinks Trump is bad at analysing cards because he has missed ‘obviously op’ cards in the past should try rating the cards themselves and then see how accurate their predictions were post release. I’ve done that excersise myself and it’s amazing how wrong you can be!! :slight_smile:


Trump always reviews this way though. He tries to look at how cards will do in the current state of the game.


Which lists?
20 characters

But let’s conveniently ignore that because it doesn’t fit with our narrative.

Mine lol, currently at work, so I can’t post the whole list, but basically early tempo stuff coupled with spell damage package and Aedwin as my top end.

What was lacking was consistent t1 /t2 plays, there were some but not enough to be consistent. Now this exact list gets an amazing t1 minion, an amazing t2 minion, and a pretty great (tempo wise) t2 spell.

But why are they waiting on nerfs then? It’s virtually guaranteed that the new cards will be overshadowed by lame people who are going to play the same decks they’ve been playing for 4 months on launch day.

The same thing happened to Darkmoon Faire last year.

Why wait to nerf the problem cards we know are going to ruin the new expansion’s launch?

Don’t wait a week or two to nerf Demon Seed and Pirate Warrior. Do it now!

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I will keep playing the same United in stormwind decks until I get 7200 honor points.
Best quest design ever :ok_hand: I hope they don’t release nerfs before I start playing with new cards :rofl:

You know I don’t know. But as for lame players, don’t hate them, hate the game they’re playing (to win).

I know this and that is T5’s sole purpose to sell the next expansion which will not happen beyond preorders if nothing is done. This being essentially about money, I think we can bank on change.



Aggro hunter is running 1 drops that become better after they get buffed by doggie biscuit and ram. This is just the better version of those lmao.

Right? Can’t open packs until you get your duplicate protection up and running properly, lol.