Trump reviews all Fractured in Alterac Valley cards!

Damn that could mean mage will be op.

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Lifesteal geddon is extremely kind wording. It gains a fixed amount of life if you honorably kill something which isn’t easy

Trump rated Corridor Creeper and Defile as 1 star cards.

I enjoyed Trump a long time ago during my early days, but he’s either meming with his reviews in recent years or has very little predictivr grasp on how current-era Hearthstone works.

That, and I often see him fall into the reviewer trap of “Well, this is a pretty good card but since it doesn’t instantly destroy the enemy hero I’m gonna have to go with one star”.


Defile was a 1 star card when KotFT released. It wasn’t used until Cubelock took off in Kobolds.

Yes, he occasionally gets some cards very wrong (who hasn’t?), but Trump is still likely the most consistent card rater in the whole community.


Face hunter, would be my guess. Imagine that thing with the ram buff.

Edit. Read the discussion above, I’m assuming the copy happens when a spell is cast, if it doesn’t trigger if it dies to the spell, way less potential to be oppressive.

Nice to compare other peoples opinion about upcoming cards , but just hope people take it with a grain of salt , these arent facts about the new cards , just speculations! :stuck_out_tongue:

Everybody missed on Corridor Creeper, though.


Trump’s review is a little sad. I know we’re all afraid of quests and combo, but he’s the only review that hasn’t given at least a little nod to the chance that the meta develops away from them, and just about everyone tried to account for each card’s potential strength rather than its ability to work in a meta currently being strangled by certain decks.

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Perhaps He is just trying to be a realist?


Even if this perspective is correct, the devs explicitly said they’d nerf as necessary for the new stuff to see play. So reviews saying any cards bad purely because the current meta is a problem for them are pretty useless reviews.


Depending on if the copy effect happens before or after the spell has landed and the minion needs to survive to be copied this is utterly broken or utter trash…

we are talking about the review that gives 1 star to Kurtus and 1 star to Sorceress.

I mean… yeah…

I feel that at this point Trump is just making false predictions to have content for the next video when he slams himself rahter than trying to predict normally.


He jusdges cards based on the imminent future meta; he doesn’t judge cards alone.

I would give the 9 mana hunter legendary 5 stars, but in reality that card would never see serious play, just like Leoroxx.
When new cards will be released or after a patch, the outcome may be different but he isn’t taking that into account.

When he gave to a lot of 1 stars (like mage, hunter and warrior), he is basically saying “these classes will probably play with older decks rather than using these new archetypes”.
To be fair he is right: why would a warrior play armors to get a 9/9 charge, when you can just play pirate questline?

it depends on the point of view: if someone wants to know which cards will shape the meta in the first days, it makes sense to look at cards in the current state, not in the imaginary “what if” state.
I honestly like more this type of review rather than the usual
“this card may be good, 3 stars”,
“this card is bad, but may see play 2 stars”,
“this card is good and will be broken if this thing that could theoretically happen, happens, 5 stars”


I mean, I agree. I don’t see tempo mage taking the meta by storm, and a combo on turn 8–9 with Kurtrus does not seem consistent enough to see serious play either. He is rating the cards based on their possible future decks.

I don’t really see any new archetypes rising far above quest mage for mage (which has, you know, an actual win con instead of random bullsh*t go brrrrr and maybe I can cycle enough ignites) but I do say that tempo mage will be able to see fringe play.

If BSM will see play is solely based on if rune of the archimage is consistent enough, which I really can’t predict. Looking back, I dismissed yoga and yoggbox too.


i disagree with both assesments greatly:

you dont “need” an OTK with Kurtus. Adding a boatload of dfamage each turn is enough. The otk is just icing.

As for sorceress, again, i think tempo mage will be great, but even outside of that, the card, in every single mage deck except nominion mage (which is currently a terrible deck to begin with), is a 4-5 star card.

As for mage, again, quest mage is a trash deck atm, t4. Tempo mage seems much better than that.

(i agree that bsm will be trash though)

Truth is, Trump is terrible when it comes to assessing tempo, and it shows in his ratings. Sad fact for him is that tempo is king in HS though…

This card feels broken if you have means to buff it fast and if your opponent doesnt deal with it instantly. Imagine it in hunter, playing it turn 1, turn 2 give it +2/+3, next turn +2/+2 and you have 3/5 turn 2 (5/7 turn 3) which gets duplicated every time you play it.

Similarly in paladin with noble mount (turning it into 2/3 with divine shield), with priest making it 3/4 healing it full at the end of the turn after trading…

Or just playing it later on with big buffs (ellek, blessing of authority, power word:fortitude). If you cant deal with it with 1 spell, you cant cast any spells until it dies, otherwise you need to deal with board of big minions.

Yes, Sorceress will be great in any deck she’s in. However will any mage deck actually reach higher then t4. Without a bigger meta shift it seems incredibly unlikely, because sorceress and the other new cards won’t push tempo mage hard enough and other decks are still just better at the same thing.

It’s not about, will the card be good or the deck good ? It’s about the deck being good enough to actually perform.

So like 5 cards in the entire set do not suck entirely? Seems accurate. :smiley:

:slight_smile: Are you OK champ?

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I disagree with this premise though.

I’ve played tempo mage in the current meta and (for me) it was much better than quest mage (at around 400-600 or so legend).

And now the deck gets 2 busted early game cards and 1 really good.

So yes, I do expect that it will be at least high t3, and maybe higher.

Seeing as this seems (again, to me) the best mage deck come expansion, and a crucial card is this, yes I think it deserves at least 4 stars.

Time will tell Ofc, only few days left…