Trogg Gemtosser - minions only

Trogg Gemtosser needs to be made to target minions only.

That means deleting it from the game in reality.


Not really they nerfed the rogue card that did a similar thing except this one is way more toxic… and sire D!

Its just bad design. Similar to lamplighter. That should also target minions ONLY!

i could see making it do only half your mana crystals in damage like sire d. it is certainly a strong card sometimes though i rarely see it played in wild.

Spectral Pillager?
the nerf to this card has cause it to see zero play outside maybe a markMCKZ video, basically deleting it from the game

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Seeing as 99% of cards are already “deleted from the game” by your logic, I’m not so sure that it being deleted from the game would matter much if at all.


I think you do the usual mistake most people do when they call for nerfs; I don’t blame you much; it’s THE most usual mistake.

They think the balancing is done on cards (or it should be done on cards); the balancing is done on DECKS; it’s the only way.

A card is nothing without its deck; those tossers are part of the equation; if you nerf them the decks may turn bad.

so its all upside? sounds good to me

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sounds good to me I just hit legend again with it HAHA

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