Treant Druid question

How is this performing? Noticed a few legendary ranked use it and most versions of it are cheap to make.

Looks like one of the top performing decks at all ranks at the moment. All commons and rares does make it quite appealing

It definitely evens the playing field for newer players if it works.

It’s currently sitting around a 70.8% win rate. Strongest deck by a fair margin with Earthen Paladin in second at 68.5% win rate.

With the raw numbers out of the way, I tried it and it was… alright. I wouldn’t say it’s a fun deck. Efficient, sure. But not fun. Plopping down tokens and buffing them on turn 3-5 isn’t exactly exciting.

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From today’s VS report: “It is comfortably the best deck on the climb to legend and remains a top 2 performer at high MMR’s.”