Transfer Progress

Hello Hearthstone team,

I’m reaching out here with the hope, that developers will notice my message. As my multiple request to the support didn’t resolve my issue.

Please help me to transfer my progress from EU server to US. I’m playing for more than 10 years, but after moving from Europe to USA, i can neither enjoy games without disconnects nor integrate with people here.
All I ask to swap server progress between US and EU. You can even override current US progress, as I don’t need it. Just please transfer my EU progress.

It feels so bad that nearly all companies have such paid option. And my favorite game doesn’t have it. I just can’t continue to play with the same enjoyment as previously. I really hope someone will notice this and help me… please.

Thank you.

First time ever I’m going to skip HS expansion preorder :frowning:
I want to preorder, but on US server with all my previous progress.
I still hope someone from developers will notice my topic.