Toxic voice line "Pen Flinger"

A game emote offends you? That’s a pretty clear sign that you have irl problems if something like that caused you to go to the game forums and white a page on why a card saying “Hey Loser” offended you. I would be more concerned over that over getting your feelings hurt.

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sorry but the situations you are talking about fly completely above the subject and bringing them up is just an attempt to pull peoples’ attention away from your GROSS overreaction.

I daresay you comparing anything in hearthstone to actual, real human struggles is demonstrably worse than anything team 5 has every put into hearthstone’s content.

you should actually be ashamed of yourself, bub.

in fact i’m reporting both this thread and that post for imflammatory. i feel like this is completely outside the realm of hearthstone and needs to be reigned in quickly. this isn’t a political forum and complaining about the voice line is laughable.


And it seems like you don’t actually have anything relevant to add to the discussion. Typical.

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You added nothing but trying to erase the OP from existence. Typical of what btw? Which stereotype you trying to hurt me with?

On the contrary, I added reasons why I dislike the post and why i don’t think it belongs here. you have literally done nothing but make assumptions about my feelings and remark upon my posts instead of contributing your own. go away, troll.

You are nothing more than a snowflake.
Grow up and stop comparing a card game to real life struggle. KEKW

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I did not mention any stance on this topic.

While i dont deny im taking things to the extreme but if you want something more tamed ok then how about this. Do you want your child calling people a loser or what not? (dont matter if you have one or not) im gonna assume your gonna say yes out of your own ego which really needs to deflate. Then that child “might” struggle their entire life if they get that kind of attitude and its all your fault for not properly raising that child and instead would rather teach bad habbits that could get your child in a bad situation. your more focus on yourself that you fail as a human to think about your fellow man/woman.

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Hey loser! I did call you a loser. I feel like my kids are going to be bad person because of this.


well you have fun wasting your own time in these forums im off to destroy worlds. <3

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This game is rated 7+. Most who agree with the OP are talking about children hearing that quote and then saying that line to other children, which can cause those children to be emotionally effected as well as the child possibly being reprimanded by school/childcare facility, etc.


I think the brains at Hearthstone thought to themselves… if there was a card that might be played 2-3 times per turn for 5 turns in a row… lets make it the most annoying sounding card.

Don’t mind the card, hate the voice. MUTE!

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It’s definitely just you.
If you think at any point changing the voice line of a card character is going to somehow decrease the level of cruelty kids can demonstrate in school settings, you are sadly mistaken.
Instead of replacing the voice line, use it as a reminder to teach strength and courage for your kids to stand up against that behavior and to rebuke bullies when they do it.


I’m not sure that many children as young as 7 are responsible enough to understand the gravity of the important role you’re suggesting. I think it’s more likely that they’d think the line is funny and mimic it. Especially once adults are not present.

I’m only using 7 as the age, because that’s the youngest age group suggested by the game’s rating.

If on the grounds that this card, when played, sounds annoying I can get behind that. However, it seems to me a bit ridiculous to try and run with the idea that this card has detrimental effects on those against whom it is played and negatively impacts the attitude of the one playing it to any measurable degree. That’s just me, and I’m a sensitive person if I’m being honest.

I’m not one to ever call someone a snowflake or cite cancel or outrage culture. But, this really feels like the latter.


Age ratings are messed up now. It says T for Teen over here in Canada.
Kids are playing rated ‘M’ games and watching rated ‘R’ movies. :crazy_face:

It’s the spamming and based on the situation that gets you emotional, not the voice line, game goes south and makes the feeling worse, akin to trolls spamming emotes during play.

There was a card that had a similar effect but due mostly to how often it was played and how annoying that particular card was in play, but you cant take it personally, obviously. And as much as the underage may play this I cant say they are the majority here, and this is not gta btw let’s be clear.

You may be the sensitive type which is absolutely ok mate, we all see and feel things differently at times, but I throw caution to the wind when people aim to impose forms of restriction based on feelings alone, the world is being compartmentalized enough as it is and is able to Express far less of itself because of it. I try to empathize as much as possible, though being a child of the 80s I can only tween so much.

What about “Hey snowflake!” ?


Holy shlt dude…I am here to see this stupid post’s replies to laugh but YOU…YOU SIR ARE PROVIDING RATIONAL ARGUMENT O.M.G.

You’re coming off like a giant wimp here. If you’re the offended by “Hey Loser!” then I don’t really how you get by in the real world. Do you need a safe space or maybe a trigger warning before somebody plays the card? Get over it. Stop being a baby. It’s meant to be said like the pen flinger is a bully, which is clearly a joke since he’s a 1/1. Again, get over it.