Toxic voice line "Pen Flinger"

Hey, loser!

  • Pen Flinger to Aokighara

You just correlated a voice line in a video game about fictional characters battling against each other in a magical school to real children committing suicide.


Warcraft has representation issues, this is not one of them.


To the degree that it is annoying I agree with the op. I feel as if this expansion was a perfect opportunity to expand the use of special card interactions. I do not want to hear a phrase like “hey loser” repeated every time a card is replayed that was designed to be replayed multiple times per turn. I would rather hear something quick, like “Haha” in a Bart Simpson way. Yet, it would be fun to hear the current phrase once in a game as a special interaction, like when using [Pen Flinger] as a finishing move. Can we get some finishing move interactions in Hearthstone? This was a missed opportunity that could have been applied in a lot of ways to increase the fun.


I normally play with sound off, but agree with the evidence presented that the voice lines are a bit tone deaf and from the 1980’s. Some people nowadays think ‘greatness’ is regressing all the way to the 1950’s though, so it could be worse.

I think we have to look at the game at a broader perspective.

There are voice lines worse off than PenFlinger, and also graphical aspects that also had “raised” issues.

However, in a fantasy setting game and with a very wide age demo-graph of players. Certain ‘allowances’ are generally accepted by the community as a whole.

Where as your concerns are also valid, Dev are also concern/invested as HS also need to comply to requirements for the game’s age rating. With that, it is a more reliable bar to determine if any boundaries has been cross.

If there is any ‘violations’, then the Dev would need to make necessary changes to comply or change it’s age rating.


i cant believe my eyes…
he is writing about love and compassion HERE?!!!
its not that i dont understand you but really?
there are better things in life…dont make me laugh lol

Surprised OP isn’t complaining about the Troublemaker voice lines and how they are bullying you when the two minions it summons go face. “Gonna cry?”


So you feel like looser after someone play him? Poor guy. Hope that no one use threat emote on you.


I’m surprised everybody forgot this one : Evil Heckler, a common from The Grand Tournament. When you play it it says : " Your mother was a murloc ! ‘’ You smell like a leper gnome ‘’ ! When you attack : ‘’ You suck ! / Boooo ! ". Fun fact : Twitch instatimed me out for quoting this toxic minion during some HS tourney when devs were asked about their favorite/funniest voice lines.


I try to veer away from topics like these, because it’s always dissatisfying but now that I’ve read it, I use the opportunity to mention some things. Games are for fun and getting experiences that satisfy you where you say “oh, that helps me with reality” or “the Hearthstone universe is cool and you see so many mystic things that enhance my view on the world”. Games have messages, even unintended ones, and affect people. OP was sharing his view and his experience about a game that was supposed to be fun and failed at the specific part that was mentioned or didn’t succeed as much. He was even thinking for other people. I personally don’t find it very offensive because I see it as a Scholomance character. It doesn’t really leave the Hearthstone frame for me but his character in association with his voice line seems a bit off from the other Scholomance characters. I’m also for reducing the voice line. Some people in this thread really have proven their antisocialness, at least partial antisocialness. I don’t want to answer said posts in detail because it would be some hundred words more. The most important parts are very obvious to people with open eyes. I don’t want to sound “too aggressive”, I just like right things and feeling right things.


oh,the horror

20 char

‘Hey, Loser!:joy:.

Dont’t care about the voice line, just hate that damn card. It can be hard to remove (especially when your opponent has many cheap spells to retrieve it back multiple times).

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No doubt we are living with the Crystal Gen. Get offended by the most harmless lines of text …


Crystal Gen… Sounds like an advancement.

Yeah … an improvement on whining.

Does that mean an improvement on drinking wine out of crystal glasses?

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My opinion doesn’t really matter but I can understand what OP is trying to say. To those who have picked on OP you are the reason why people dont like you and why people like OP exist (sorry). Its your fault for being Jerks to a random person and why bullies and snow-flakes are made. Grow up and act like you got a pair, even ladies. Now on the Subject of the card itself i can see why its offensive along with other cards. While I do get that you cant let peoples words bother you but the sad truth is it effects (random number) millions of people that don’t like being made fun of or talked down too and end up taking their life over a game. If you want i can try to find several like news reports and pictures of suicide victims so you can see the face that you killed indirectly if you want to be a child on the subject maybe death is what you need to see ( not a threat to anyone but actually see the victims of those who did actions like you). I’ll admit I’m on OPs side because I was picked on a lot even after high school for a little bit for my height till people learned im not to be taken lightly. Does it bother me yes and no. Yes cause its spam-able and makes me want to actually physically hurt the person on the other side and if they were in the room i wouldn’t hesitate to put them on the ground for playing such an annoying card that insulted me so harshly but at the same time its just a game get over it. (i quit HS) Im not saying OP is right or wrong its a personal thing to those who were picked on. I say leave the cards alone as its just a game and games have things you dont like and if you dont like them then shouldn’t introduce them to your kids even though this one is more of a personal thing i feel but still understandable even if i don’t agree 100%.

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You need to see a doctor ASAP. Anger issue detected… He is only saying “hey looser”… Grow up because this game is actually meant to be played by young player. Like 7 years old. I’m pretty sure they can make the difference at that age. While you can’t?

Are you gonna cry? Lol


While i prob do need to see a Doc over anger issues. That still don’t make my point any less wrong. And to say the game is meant to be played by a 7 year old is an ignorant thing to say as its meant for all ages(think i even got a 60 old guy on friends list who plays this game he enjoys the game while i dont anymore and thats fine). And while i have no doubt that 98% of people can ok with it. Sadly that 2% matters. if you cant sympathize with how it could effect a person or defend others from teen and young adult bullies who haven’t gotten out of their high school days and are still trying to impress their Bros just like a child would then i would suggest to seek help as we should be lifting one another not tearing each other down. Does it annoy me sure but do i think it should be changed? short answer no. long answer kinda. And am i gonna cry? no are you cause its just a game? Im just pointing out how ignorent some people are being to OP i dont mind actual conversations and arguments but when i see alot of bullies picking on someone im gonna stand up. Period. I just happen to pop in and read this.

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at least correct your spelling of “psychology” if you are going into “that” mode
you are more special than i thought
you are worse than that 1 guy yt comment section who doesnt get a joke or does a scientific analysis on a joke

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