Tourist card concept?

good? bad? who cares? :wink:

i have been playing for 6 months, so my long-term experience is bad.

No doubt there have been many decks, affixes, etc that were crazy OP in the past.

Just wondering if all the nerf calls/complaints can be traced back to tourist cards, rather than tsunami, incendius, shudderwork or w/e the card combos that are the hate du jour.

I think is a brilliant concept and they should expanding it with like, wild sets visiting standard…


I don’t mind it, but I see it being very complex to handle in the long term.

E.g. in 2 expansions they will still be the PERILS-ONLY tourists.

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This is a complicated topic since tourists innately equate to synergy/engine/combos, which means any one part of the puzzle affects MANY other parts to create a cascading effect.

Like, Zilliax got nerfed all by itself, but not the modules Control / Reno warrior ran, so that’s fine. But, the druid cards that Warrior used (via tourist) to “unkilliax” also got nerfed, but not because Druid was using them for that specific purpose. And druid’s mage tourist is rather mid on its own unless you cheat several dozen copies of cheap spells into your hand, but because Druid is inherently busted they wind up using the mage cards better than the mage class. It’s complicated.

Regarding my overall opinion, I echo this guy:

The concept itself was originally alright, the execution was “let’s give warrior mana ramp, rogue infinite lifesteal, shaman board fills on demand, druid minion hax and mage spellhax, bootleg immune while attacking for DH, and paladin potential spell damage OTKs for the next x months” Out of all these strats the only one that’s beyond guaranteed to stick around until it’s shelved is warrior getting mana ramp. Never mind what strats the neutrals have birthed, the tourists each gave their respective classes the most obnoxious strats and tools they could have possibly inherited from one another. Blizzard designed them to be good at specific things and people wound up being suprised when those things were amazing at what they were meant to do. So by the biblical term the tourist keyword was a success at what it set out to do, it’s just that what it was doing ended up being bad for the health of the game.

TLDR: Tourist itself wasn’t a fail it’s what the tourists just happened to allow people to do that made them feel like a fail

Warrior ramping its mana may seem potentially oppressive for the potential future, but I suspect it may be in reality an improvement. It makes the deck faster in general; that in turn can give the opportunity to devs to NERF its other explosively brutal cards of the late rounds (e.g. an Odyn getting out of hand with bombardments); warrior was annoying me to no end how it did nothing for more than 20 minutes (literally) other than defense and then on the last minutes it exploded for the entire duration of Badlands and Whizbangs.

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