Top 3 Worst Classes

By worst I mean, not how good or bad or viable they are, but how much you hate playing as them or against them. I only ask because I got a quest this morning to play 3 games as Mage Priest and Paladin and while I like Paladin, I hate Mage and Priest so I rerolled and unfortunately got the 8 minis but it got me thinking this question.

My top 3 worst classes I never want to play as or play against are Warlock, Priest, and Mage. I’d say Rogue and Warrior round out my top 5. What classes do you hate to see, and will reroll the quest if they include those classes?

For standard, I guess it all depends on what class(classes) I enjoy playing and which classes I have a low win rate against. But for wild particularly in high rank, classes with strong spells, easy otk, huge mana cheat are the most disgusting ones. But for wild cannot be adjusted as easily as standard, I guess we have to bear with it.

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Anything in the game can be adjusted at any time.

Once upon a time, I never played Shaman or Druid (even though I love Thrall and Malfurion). But when they offer a Hero skin that I love, I make myself a deck; Thorim was just too cool, and the Malfurion/Illidan skin for the anniversary was just too fun.

Warlock was always my nemesis (lore nerd here - RIP Varian), but I noticed a lot of fun RPG/tabletop-like cards for Warlock that came out with Whizbang. Still wasn’t enough to convince me to make a deck, but then came Zail…

So, I finally have a deck that I enjoy for each class! :smiley:

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Not three, but I dont like any other class outside Rogue, Hunter and Demon hunter. Two I play in WoW and then there is hunter… anyway I like aggro decks over slow decks, always have and always will.

Control deck players I despise more than anything. Next would be Decks that need more than 10 turns to win, F you, you are slow. and the third would probably just be Mages. I hate mages in WoW so that translates here for no reason gameplaywise at all.

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There’s no specific class identity for me to despise a particular class.
With each expansion, one class morphs into another in terms of its identity. That’s why having access to every class makes the game enjoyable. But also frustratingly inconsistent.


I absolutley HATE druids. :slight_smile: However, once an a while there is a deck that’s fun to play with on Druid, but for the most part I really hate druids. If they were ever to implement a class ban to pick, I would pick druids every time.

Thankfully, Druids are not domonatinog at the moment. :slight_smile: But I sitll hate them. :slight_smile:

Sorry to all you druid players. I’m just being honest :slight_smile:


Great answer

“Class” is simply a hero portrait (it feels) a lot of the time. One hero may do something more than the other, but just about all classes have access to any mechanic these days.

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Druid, warlock and mage…

The first for guff, and the other 2 for their very tedious quests decks…

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Druid, DH and Warrior.

I agree with these, the quest decks for sure. If you wanna know something weird, I’m a Druid main and I’ve never crafted or used Guff. I understand the power of it, but I feel like if I were to craft or use Guff it’s like turning to the Dark Side, and I consider myself a Jedi of Qui-Gon caliber so that’s out of the question

yeah same feeling happened to me with shuderwock when i was main shaman,
and even when im using paladin DK…
But when fair play fails, you have to turn to dark side…
So i consider myself a kind of windu master

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