Too far? No card should say "for the rest of the game"

I recently started playing again and the game is in a fairly good spot imo, however, I can’t seem to not get triggered when playing against warriors. I feel like any card that says “for the rest of the game” should just not exists. They have two of them from what i can tell. Brann and Odyn are absolutely cracked. The old Brann was annoying enough having the next couple battlecry cards trigger twice, but FOR THE REST OF THE GAME? Incredibly unfun to play against but probably incredibly fun to play. Not only that but they gain infinite armor and with odyns card can OTK you in the blink of an eye. Maybe hardcore aggro decks are decent into them but it just seems like they always have an answer. Plenty of dredge to make sure they get the cards that instantly win them the game. Plenty of AoE board control…Its just way to much. Does anyone else feel that way or am I way off?


No, you are not alone. There are many people who do not believe warrior or mage or priest or rogue or … whatever class they are not playing… should be able to beat them with good cards.

The point of this post is that the cards aren’t good…they are overpowered.


rest of the game effects r to allow combo decks to be played by your regular player aka bad player.

Agreed just live the combo intricacy to those willing to put in the hours don’t print stuff like this because it ruins the game.

Think about it Your Battlecries trigger twice for the rest of the game
How far we’ve come huh that such idiotic effects actually exist.

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You feel bullied against them, if you play a deck that relies a lot on many minions with small health. If you play a typical excavate paladin you just want to uninstall the game forever and advertise to everyone to do the same if you keep getting warriors with the meme deck of this month.


Yeah I play pretty much exclusively Death Knight ever since they added it to the game (Favorite class in WOW and was waiting for them to add it for a long time xD) but every variety of DK deck that I play (plague, blood, blood reno, frost excavate, rainbow) all get trounced every time i play a warrior. Sometimes I get close but they always have an answer and the double battlecry card on turn 4 or 5 just crushes me every time.


Started playing again?

So when they introduced this:
Legendary · Minion · Mean Streets of Gadgetzan · Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, your Hero Power costs (0) this game.
back in Mean Streets, you know - 8 years ago, were you not playing then?

I don’t know where all these players are coming from where they act like “rest of game” effects didn’t exist and it’s something new. It’s been going on for 8 years.

Legendary · Hero · The Boomsday Project · Battlecry: For the rest of the game, your Mechs have Rush.
Legendary · Hero · Knights of the Frozen Throne · Battlecry: Summon a 3/6 Water Elemental. Your Elementals have Lifesteal this game.

Let’s stop pretending this is something new.

Also, let’s stop pretending that “for the rest of the game” effects are automatically broken. There are several of these effects that were never considered broken.

TL;DR version:
There’s nothing wrong, nor has there ever been something wrong, with “for the rest of the game” effects themselves. The problem is the card ITSELF. Attack the cards themselves, not the entire idea.


Eh, I generally think the idea is a problem.

Rest of the game effects, if they exist at all, should be extremely minor.

No one really cares if you make your hero power go from 1 to 2 damage.

When they are game defining, it’s not a good direction for the game. There have been far too many rest of the game effects that are individually game winning, or generate infinite value that removes the need to actually run threats other than that card.

Until we get something that can turn them off, anyway.

Give us a chromie that resets everything that persists like that (hero cards, rest of game auras)


I know I was playing when mean streets of gadg came out, and I never once encountered those legendaries, any of them. Even today in duels Ive never seen them til today here in this thread. Neat cards, never knew they existed tho.

How? Raza and Frost Lich Jaina saw a lot of play

But those are hero cards, not sure those count as rest of the game effects the OP is complaining to

Although people do complain a lot about Reno, so, idk

My first exposure to a hero card was the fully heal yourself reno i believe. keep in mind it wasnt until I joined the forums here a little while ago I encountered what would be called meta decks or netdecks.

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both have rest of the game effects

one gives rush to mechs and theother lifesteal to elementals

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Absolutely, I know, but the OP didn’t mention Reno, so I assumed he only meant Odyn and Brann

Hero cards today are one and done, the hero power is meaningless, basically

Not like it used to be. From Jaraxxas onwards, it was broken, until recently. But now, the game has evolved so much, even deal 2 dmg discover a spell doesn’t make much diff, it’s too slow

Problem is that the rest of game cards are somewhat game ending right now once played. You have like a one turn timer to finish the opponent off and then it is good game for ya.

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…odyn is a win condition thats the whole reason for the card to exist to help a control deck to end the game

There is an easy counter to these “rest of the game” cards. You end the game. People especially less experienced player drag out games and miss opportunities to damage the opponent and bring games to an end and then cry when the opponent finds outs blaming the game for their loses.

This. anyone who posts that either wans’t playing or stuck to brawls or, or possibly arena where those card showed up almost never.

Even at low ranks someone was climbing with a raza priest, or boom mech deck.

As for op’s point: it’s similar to some “start of game” though some weren’t as powerful.

It’s just another sign of the powercreep, and while cards like raza and frost Jaina existed, they were rare. Now: PEW PEW PEW dialed to 11.

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Raza wasnt a hero card. She fueled DK Anduin, the Hero card, but wasnt one herself.
Just saying.

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That’s… sort of true?

But I mean Rest of the Game effects REWARD this type of play. Eventually a person with a rest of the game advantage will win, no matter how determined they are not to end the game.

At least the hero card hero powers cost mana and are somewhat reliant on strong battlecries to make a good swing.

Having said that, Schyla’s right, Rest of the Game effects are not inherently broken or toxic, and really hero cards and even like… Dinomancy and Justicar Trueheart are examples of “rest of the game” effects. But they tend to be healthier when they’re more incremental, or when they cost mana each turn, or when they’re more defensive in nature to keep you in the game (or punish an aggro deck that hasn’t closed the game out).

Raza priest, Dr boom control warrior, and Big spell frost lich jaina decks (not the elemental one, but the one with the dragons board wipes, meteors, discovers, and puzzle boxes of yoggs. Where 80% of the deck cost 5 mana or higher) were some of the most oppressive for their time, and it largely came down to drawing their hero card or w/e on curve. You can argue that rest of the game effects are not overpowered, but the examples you used to back that argument up suggest otherwise. You can’t honestly tell me you’ve forgotten what it felt like to have the ninth omega devestator dropped on you in the same game, or for the warrior to heal back up to full with their fourth zilliax. I sure as hell haven’t. I can never forget that experience. It sucked…hard. Shadowreaper anduin never would have been the terror he was without Raza either.

Plague DK is another deck where you see the effects. The decks win rate spikes dramatically whenever they drop Helya on curve. No Helya and the deck wins far far far less than when it has her.