Too far? No card should say "for the rest of the game"

I have no clue what Warrior is losing, but I’m guessing the deck will take something of a hit as we are going to be hit by a rotation.

My Lich Lady! I sooo sooo miss her. One of my absolute favorite decks within the same meta as another of my favorites: Deathrattle Hunter. I wasn’t fond of Control until she came into my life.

You’re such an edgelord. Look at me, i’m so kewl, everyone else is a bad player.
Seriously, get off your high horse, man.


Cards like bittertide hydra and grom are way, WAY healthier methods for control decks to end games than Odyn.

If a control deck needs something like Odyn to end a game, it hasn’t been designed right.

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Someone said so already, but I’ll repeat just in case

Generally, yeah, if a Brann or Odyn get dropped, somewhere along the lines you have lost tempo and aggression. Sometimes you couldn’t have done anything better, sometimes you could have.

Always keep in mind that you need to apply enough pressure for that play to be detrimental. I know, it’s not always easy, some classes don’t have the material to do it, so you depend on Warrior drawing badly.

But just always keep in mind that play can happen and do not let him. Always threaten lethal if he spends all his mana to put down Brann, and you’re gucci.

When I play Warlock, if they drop Brann, either I’m desperately low-rolling, or they’re dead next turn but they just don’t know it yet.

Yeah, that is how the few decks that steamroll Brann warriors do it.

Most don’t, because they can’t threaten lethal consistently through the sheer volume of removals and armor gain that warrior has access to before they drop Brann or Odyn.

It’s not particularly difficult for that deck to find a turn to play those, which is why warrior is one of the strongest classes in the game right now.


I’d like to see a counter. Something like ,
Battlecry: for the rest of the game, your opponent’s for the rest of the game effects don’t trigger.

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This would need to be a 10 mana card because it’s a huge restriction.
Some rest of the game effects are so OP that shutting them down makes for an auto-concede.

I would like to see that also but I doubt it.

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You should probably put a warning up with you are going to post pictures of Raza. That card will give old players PTSD. :crazy_face:

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thats OP unless it has a restriction to trigger like having your hp bellow 10

a card that prevents a win condition from activating for the rest of the game sohuld have a heavy restriction

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I agree it’ would need some kind of restriction. However, Brann as an example, being a highlander card is hardly a restriction in today’s standard, so I say fair is fair.
You want to double your battlecries for the rest of the game and be a degenerate, fair enough. Equally as degenerate, one should be able prevent those doubled battlecries from continually happening. I think it’s fair.

Raza was so OP it warped the wild meta for years, Dr. Boom had decent play rate for a while (was in a lot of odd warrior decklists I played) and I don’t recall Jaina being much more than meme (although some HL/Pocket Galaxy mage decks ran her as an alternative wincon). Just to back up your point - it’s the card not the mechanic.
However, I do think ‘for the rest of the game’ effects have a much higher potential to be problematic because as it stands there is no counterplay once they are played.

There were two tier 2 decks running it, tempo elemental and control highlander

Although tier 2, i clearly remember playing them in legend, in time when there was 2k people max in legend

Those were the times! Firefly was a thing, as well as Kazakus and Loatheb and O.G. Reno Jackson!

Doomsayer was a tempo 2-drop, and Flamestrike still made people visit therapies because of PTSD

What about Start of the Game? Is that not just as degenerate as rest of the game if not more as it begins with the start of the game and requires no other input? At least the Rest of the Game cards require you to draw then survive long enough to have the mana all with being far enough ahead that you don’t just die immediately afterwards before you can start benefiting from the effect.

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Those cards are all meme

Unless you know some which are game-breaking which I obviously don’t have in mind at the moment?

Renathal is slightly annoying, but not game-changing at least in this patch, we’ll see what the future holds soon enough

Genn and Baku were memes? I seem to remember them being the only cards ever to be sent to the Hall of Fame from an expansion and rotated early and Genn is still being used in one of the top Wild decks.


I think that there’s a very good card to showcase this

Alexandros Morgraine, for Triple Blood DK, is designed to put your opponent on a clock (very similarly to how Odyn does). With a flat three damage face each turn, people assumed when the card released that Triple Blood DK would be unstoppable… And um, it was the weakest card in the deck throughout it’s foray in Standard Hearthstone. Blood DK often used it as a backup plan for the real gameplan of Triple Blood, which has included–

  1. Brann + School Teacher combos (at the end of Lich King expansion, this was the go to win-con for Blood DK)
  2. After Festival, Alexandros was usually only run in the sideboard for Triple Blood DK as a win-con against other control decks. The win-con during this era was, kind of nothing (this deck was bad this expac)
  3. In TITANS, Alexandros was again a sideboard card only, as Ignis was a much faster win-con. Deck in general was much worse with the presence of Odyn (though not as badly as Showdown)
  4. In Showdown, Alexandros has been completely overshadowed by Odyn Warrior in general, as well as Brann Warrior later on. If run at all, it’s as a sideboard object. The only Triple Blood DKs that succeeded relied on the highlander package and were overshadowed by other decks.

And finally…

  1. Triple Blood loses Alexandros (and most of it’s good tools) in the upcoming core set + whizbang, leading to the death of the deck.

The only expac Alexandros was actually impactful in was during Early Lich King (before people figured out how strong School Teacher + Brann was for DK in general), and during early Titans (while Odyn was still not S+ Tier, but still S+ tier popular). Every other time it’s either been a sideboard card, a filler card, or not included in triple blood decks. For what is actually a very strong effect.

So no, “For the rest of the game” effects aren’t “always broken.” I think a better descriptor is that they are very often Polarizing.

For example. A lot of decks didn’t care about Frost Lich Jaina’s elementals, either because they didn’t play too hard for board (burn decks, toggwaggle druid, etc) or didn’t leave small minions on board (giant based decks, etc). But, for the decks that did either of those things, the effect was often so polarizing that you could essentially concede the turn it was played despite it’s low initial tempo since it hard countered your deck.

Same could be said for Raza, though that “polarizing turn” often didn’t come until Shadowreaper got played later on. Raza on it’s own isn’t that op of a card, nor is it polarizing, it requires specific combos to turn it’s forever effect into an abuse case.

TL:DR, For the rest of the game effects aren’t inherently broken, they are inherently polarizing.

Start of Game on the other hand is inherently broken unless the effect is actively a downside (see Prince Malechazzar). Every single one has effects that make change the game state starting Turn 1 (Genn letting you spam Hero Power asap (totem shaman, paladin, etc), Prince Renathal allowing you to play less cautiously with your health, Baku being Baku,). Broken broken broken.

“For the rest of the game effects” on the other hand not only require you draw the card, but also pay mana for what is often just a vanilla body (or worse) which leads to a dead turn. For example, one of the best ways of beating highlander/odyn warrior right now is to dump so many bodies on the board that it’s difficult for the Warrior player to get enough breathing room to PLAY Brann/Odyn safely without dying in the process. Even if they draw the cards on curve, decks like Aggro Paladin and Rainbow DK are capable of being so inherently threatening that it often isn’t possible to play the cards on curve and survive.

Against Warriors, I go into each match with as much hope as possible, but if my Dirty Rats don’t come through and Brann/Odyn gets played, I just instantly concede as there’s no point in prolonging the inevitable loss.

Those two cards are absolutely ridiculous and make playing against Warriors insufferable.

good old days, rlly good old days

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i dont think they are strong to the point of nerf, but is boring playing against warrior, every game feels the same