Todays Top Story : Doomkin Sucks

Feels mega good to be at 4 mana when my opponent is at 10+ with a Yogg, Eonar, and 3 other minions on board.

More at 11… or perhaps more at 6 if i ever reach that stage with the druid stealing all my numbers away


It’s not a very well designed card for sure. It doesn’t promote dynamic gameplay or interaction. It’s mostly unfun.

IIRC, Doomkin wasn’t that great when it was first released. Back then, druid didn’t have as many ways to ramp and/or recover tempo after ramping.

This meant that if they ran doomkin, they were likely pretty slow. Aggro may still bust through, and control might not be as pressured by whatever druid was ramping to and still survive.

Things have changed a lot since then.

we had nestmatron and sitll didnt make doomkin good

It’s a snowball card. It’s only good when you’re already ahead, to clinch the deal.

Unfortunately, it’s too easy for Druid to get ahead in this meta, unless you adapted and started playing aggro

3/4 are 3 mana stats, so stat-wise, it’s worth 3 mana, so we’re paying 3 mana for an effect which includes gaining 1 mana crystal AND stealing one from the opponent.

That’s not OK, because only gaining 1 mana crystal has a fixed cost of 3, so we’re removing one mana crystal for free

It’s not OK. The card needs to cost AT LEAST 7, but probably 8 mana to be fair (not 9 because you always get a discount the more mana you spend)

That way, it wouldn’t be used as a snowball card, but as a defensive, situational card which you use in slower matchups to stay ahead and guarantee tempo advantage

Problem solved. On to another.


not i doesnt at all
its fine at 6 mana

im not sure the card needs nerf unlike nestmatrion but if is nerfed

just a change from stealing spent many to unspent would be enough

You mean, it would only work if opponent had unspent mana last turn, or what did you mean? I don’t understand

No, it’s really not xD I literally just showed you the calculation xDD

Altair is right and wrong. The card is absolutely a sign you will LOSE if you only have that on curve and your rest curve is really mediocre. That deck in general is extremely weak against aggro and semi-aggro until it gets at least 8-10 mana; it survives against them only when it has the right dragons(or spells) on curve; they usually snowball the ramping at the same time so if you lose against a druid …YOU LOSE .

why do you think it would be as good if you can prevent your mana from being stolen by spending it ? i dont get it

I think it would be useless then

I just don’t understand your suggestion, that’s all

Mind rephrasing it?

Maybe make it so doomkin always ramps, but the stealing is a separate effect.

And make the conditions to trigger stealing to not be so… absurd. Think about it: how can an opponent avoid their mana getting stolen? By AFKing and pass the turn. That’s actually pretty absurd if you think about it.

If the condition stealing unspent mana instead of spent, then aggro/curve out decks get a huge boon whereas druids may still use doomkin as a way to delay/annoy control decks

Or maybe the condition is that it only steals if the DRUID has unspent mana at end of the druid’s turn. This means the mana stealing has the cost of 1 unspent mana for the druid on the turn he plays doomkin. It blunts the perfect curve of ramp into doomkin to further ramp while stealing opponent mana.

A real disgusting alternative to the above is that it steals mana based on how much unspent mana druid has. So in wild guff druid with 20 mana may just steal all your mana like they had sword of a thousand truths :joy: ok this is just more of a fun/stupid musing…

If you look at the best played win rate cards in the game, you will see finishing cards like Galactic Orb, CNE, Sif and the like. These types of cards are always top of the list because they end games on the spot so often.

But at the very top with them is a card that isn’t a finishing card and is strangely out of place with a high played win rate.

It’s Doomkin.

You take that to mean whatever you want it to mean.


so dorian isnt on the list ? whenever severalo doomkins are played is usually because dorian was played first

He’s way down on the list. I can post the image later, but Doomkin is up there with all the finishing cards.

It’s way out of place.

Doomkin gets played a lot as well from Marin and Flowerchild. And a nice highroll Tolin’s Goblet. You hit it with a Goblet and that’s game.


Even Druid gets nerfed will eventually crawl back to taunt people. This is light nerf.

Unfortunately nerfing it and removing the taunt will do literally nothing to stop them. They have access to cards like this and they DO play them because well they are broken.

Then they ramp into This(which they WILL have in hand)

It’s basically the problem of a perfect storm in ramp into a bunch of cards that give you Tempo Recovery and Finisher. Sometimes they don’t hit it but that is not the norm by a long stretch.

This presents the biggest issue with balancing them. What do you hit to tone them down without completely destroying the class? Everything is so integrated within standard druid that just a slight change throws off the class completely. If it was just the combo deck we were talking about it would be an easy fix but it’s not.

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people still think they have to kill decks to nerf them ?

i dont know why you think nerfing nestmatrion wont do nothing

the card is so good is run in all druid decks
unlike pendand or frost lotus


I take it as played winrate is a garbage stat that means nothing.

What’s the drawn winrate? Mulligan winrate? Those matter.

Low - only mulliganed for in mirrors, I think

Mid - High - you mostly draw it by tutoring it and then it costs less (Dorian, Flowerchild)

It’s useful for evaluating the “I win” cards, as Schyla said, because the game is over very soon after that card is played

I wouldn’t look at that stat for some core cards which you absolutely have to play to even have a chance to win, like Nestmatron or 1 mana 2/1 drake, though

Although, those two above probably have a high mulligan winrate, lower only from Splish-Splash-Whelp

I must say one more thing, though - I don’t trust those data at all, in practice, because I’ve paid for premium Firestone and I have the mulligan data and for some cards they’re just comically untrue.

For example, they’re making me keep Zilliax and/or Yogg in slower matchups, even though my chances of winning once those cards are playable are almost 0.

I have to rush them down before they realize what’s happening to them, not keep 9-drops in mulligan.

And then you gotta ask yourself, if they screwed up so badly with few cards, who says they’re not gonna screw up for every other card?

Just because the high played winrate Doomkin statistic makes sense to me, it doesn’t mean I automatically believe those stats.

But I’d be more inclined to test them in practice, for sure.

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It’s one of the very few cards that let them survive until they have a lot of mana.

If you remove that card from their decks, they’ll go 20% win rate VS aggro.