I don’t know how they calculate it, that’s the thing, it’s kinda sus
Whenever I build the deck (which is 80-90% similar to generic sludgelock decks), for the first session I play there are no mulligan stats, because noone has ever played the exact same deck.
Next session, however, suddenly they have the data, from 800 or over 1k games, and I’m like…how??
I think they calculate the usage of certain combinations of cards that often go together, at best, or usage of individual cards, at worst, when they show those data.
Obviously, that’s a problem, because if I have Yogg and Zilliax as my only “failsafe” late game cards in otherwise aggro deck, I don’t wanna see them before they’re playable for me (turn 9, or turn 11 against druid xD)
There’s one more problem with their mulligan data - they’re not quick to update it. Maybe it’s quick enough for someone in Diamond, but in Legend already, they’re too late, let alone in higher legend. They are STILL showing me how to mulligan against Painlock, when Painlock is 1/50 warlock games I play.
So I’m basically left to my own devices when playing against Insanity.
In every other matchup, it works like a charm. It even improved my mulligan a bit