Today i got scolded

I have seen some people here on the forums complaining about net decking and that all decks they encounter are the same and so on. However it looks like there is some sides to that coin.

Today i accepted a friend request after a game, and the individual was furious. Reason was that i did not play a meta deck. I was many slurs and aparently worse then a certain terrorist group for the sole reason i did not play a meta deck. I was blaimed for causing him to lose bcs he didnt mulligan for what i had since i didnt play the meta. According to this individual a should read up on the meta and play accordingly (though the individual didnt phrase it so nicely, i cleaned this part up a bit).

This was a hillarious conversation for me at least, and i sincerely hope this individual stumble across more non meta decks in the future.


People complain that there are not enough original decks.

(Person plays original deck)

Person gets griped at for having played an original deck because they lsot to it.

The duality of man.

Keep playing your original deck(s) op, it keeps the game fresh!


Ohhh I absolutely love getting friend requests after a game. I find it very amusing with what “insults” they can try and spew. And nothing is better than going “Are we done?” Or “Is that the best you got?” when there’s an opening.


I will take the opportunity to go get something translated into spanish or chinese and copy paste it back to them to figure out if Im dealing with a person of some ability for the intuition to go translate what i said, or if Im just gonna trigger them even worse into revealing more un-redeeming qualities about them with that say after.

My usual go to is to quote Yoda to them, “Do or do not, there is no try.” :vulcan_salute:


Ppl lately add me to friend but not to insult… just to ask for my deck code, lol. :slight_smile: (not meta ofc)


Not sure I ever got upset over losing to an off meta deck, possibly because I prefer to play them myself. I can recall several instances of being upset from losing to meta decks that were running something unexpected. A little unique tech on their part that cost me the game. The principal is still the same and I feel silly for having felt that way at the time. Though I can’t imagine being angry enough to go off on my opponent. It’s stuff like this that I enjoy the most and why I prefer to play off meta decks or at least modify a meta deck a bit.

Slightly off topic, this is actually what my ideal meta looks like. Every class has at least 2 different viable decks that each require a different mulligan from opponents. I think the mulligan stage is quickly dismissed with obvious choices by the average player. It always amazes me when I watch streamers and they still take their time to consider the mulligan, despite having played countless more games and even played that exact matchup dozens (possibly hundreds) of times.

Continue to play however you like, it’s just a game after all. Having fun is what’s important.


most people add me to find out what weird deck im playing

I bet its all CHillwind Yeti, with every way to copy it, clone it, resurrect it, fill board with it, etc. I like to envision that its the only minion in your whole deck. lol And you never lose with it, and no one gets past turn 4 with you playing it lol.

Thats my daydream resulting from reading your last post lol.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with net decking, just as much as there is nothing wrong with playing a homebrewed deck. People who complain are probalby just made that you’re playing cards they probably don’t have.

If you got the cards… you can play whatever you want.


I got “scolded” once for conceding lol. Was playing a warlock deck, drew all my high cost cards. By turn four, I had nothing on the board and no spells, so I conceded. Friend request pops up, I accept and got called a coward and a loser. I just laughed, unfriended and next game; deck did a little better.

If a deck truly tromps all over mine, I’ll send a request but not to rage; I’m curious of their deck and if they’re willing to share the code. Sometimes, I get a “sore” winner, they’ll gloat, call me a loser and whatnot. Life is too short to get upset about this game. lol it’s supposed to be about fun.

Yes, they are more common for me as well, latest was this morning when a DK befriended after the game with “hi, realy cool druid deck, can i plz have a copy of the deck”.