To the designer of "rune of the archmage": get a new job plz

to whoever thought that a random spell that is repeatable ad nauseam, consistently clears boards and makes the mage player who casts it randomly win games: you should not design anything in any software on this planet or on the sun. please consider a career change. thank you.


“But why should the fact that a Mage got outplayed mean they should lose the game? No, they should still be able to play a bunch of random BS and win the game anyway! All games being decided by rng is the way it should be! That is way more fun and exciting than games being decided by skill!”

That is clearly what the RNGStone devs think.


Lets not forget then they added the 6 drop naga to reduce the cost of said RNGshenanigans because you were holding a 1-3 cost situational spell that makes 0 sense to play any time before it, So LOL to you for making their rune cost less


It’s probably the same guy who designed the new druid spell

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Guy? I’m thinking trained monkeys at keyboards. :rofl:

you miss all of hearthstone team

mage make all random thing random go mage.

Mage make garbage game garbage go.

Skeletons mages make less the random go random things random.

Playing Big Spell Mage all season, I have seen a lot of different iterations of what has come out of the rune. My favorite was two pyros to the face.

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I just won (lost) the lottery.
Opponent is mage.
They discover deck of lunacy.
They cast the “cast 8 random druid spells”.
I was in advantage, but that play won the game on the spot.

It’s always a pleasure to see arena is balanced to favour good trades and resource managment and it doesn’t rely on RNG, outside of the drafting :rofl:

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Random BS GO! is my strategy

But yeah, these guys are bad at this gig. Hiring from within is not working out. They need to clean house and bring in people who know what they’re doing because this ain’t it

Oh yeah and when they play it every turn after the first time after you recover due to it also.

I mean it’s obviously nothing but skill when the RNG turns the tide by playing the card.

lots of people love random bs as you call it. thats why things like kinfe juggler and mad bomber were popular in classic oh and sylvanas and mind control tech. and many others :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sure. There is a random element to CCGs in general already baked in. These guys take it too far though. I’d say 80% of my games come down to who got luckier. So what’s the point of playing it all then? We could sit around just rolling dice all day and save some money if that’s how it is

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Another odd point: clearly it’s an arcane spell. Why isn’t it in the arcane category?

thats your opinion. i do love the rng things. and that 80% number is bs i would love to see how you come up wih this. if you dont like it just dont play. as you said there plenty other card games with less rng :slight_smile:

It’s basically yogg for mages. It will either help, nuke your face, or whiff big time.

Play at your own risk.


Exactly this. I’ve had it blow up in my face as much as I’ve had it help me. It’s a coin toss

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Who else’s opinion would I be expressing?

And 80% is an estimate of games that I personally have played. I don’t think I’m the only one that has experienced this

And the whole “if you don’t like it go play another game” is such a snotty response. How about I do what I want? And what I want to do is lobby to get them to fix the things I think need to be improved upon. There’s a lot to like about this game but it needs work IMHO


It’s not an arcane spell. It’s a generic spell. If you cast it, Dawngrasp will not recast it for you. It also won’t result in card draws for the card drawer minion.

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Yes…that’s my point. It should be.