To Devs: Card Spawn % Unfairness (Shaman)


I know Im going to be seen having a moan here. I do genuinely love the game and returned after a long hiatus and not here to upset anyone, I just want fairness. Thats all.

And I’m not sure if this goes here or not, this is for the Devs.

For the Shaman “Anchored Totem” card, I know its a good low card and can influence the start of battles, but could you do me a favor and remove or increase the % of it spawning please? At the moment you’ve set it to 10% spawn chance, and I don’t even see the card until after 15-20 rounds and that’s over a 100 games. By then its mostly useless.

I get it you want to balance the game by putting spawning times on cards, but some fairness please :slight_smile:


Look guys someone else who noticed stuff…

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i have no idea what is this about