To Blizzard from a card collector

One of the things that you guys did in the past that I felt was really awesome was giving a Diamond card for collecting all the cards in a given set

Most of the time, I wouldn’t even touch half the classes in a given expansion, but Still loved getting that Diamond card, and I enjoyed getting all the cards to get it. Granted it did come at a cost.

However, since the last expansion, I made the decision to no longer purchase expansions primarily because you no longer give players the Diamond card for collecting all the cards.

I think the fact that you replaced the reward with a RARE signature card was an instant buzz kill. If it would have been a Legendary Signature card, than sure, I would still see it as an incentive, although, Diamond cards are much, much, much nicer than any other type of card in the game. Signature cards really do fall flat in comparison.

And not only did you guys stop giving the diamond card as reward, you also increased the cost to obtain them in the shop.

So I’m still going to collect cards, but not the way I use to. Not that I don’t have the means to purchase expansions, I simply don’t see any value in doing so anymore. At least not for me. But I guess I should thank you cuz it saves me money. :slight_smile:


The reward must be a signature epic at least, but preferably some legendary. Whizbang’s workshop Lab Patron was not adequate for the reward, but signature epic Adaptive Amalgam is more reasonable, still, I would prefer legendaries.