To all my friends on forums - Possible goodbye

I am trying to appeal my account ban in the meantime i wil make a temporary account.
However two things one i just verified im not a bot by doing their verification and the app takes me back to account creation.

However if i am unable to my old one back it might be goodbye i might play on a new one but all my memories of my old account wil be gone i wil try and get it back.

Anyway if you dont see me thank your for the memories though i got extremely negative towards the end i did like this game and enjoy the company of my online friends but yeh hopefully this is not the end.


No worries, and it sucks they did this to you. And since the game disconnects so often it wouldn’t surprise me they start screwing over people that way too.

People who get screwed over by the company should really do a class action action lawsuit. Especially since they aren’t addressing the real botters.

It probably wouldn’t hurt to make your representatives aware of the issue as well.


I sent a ticket hopefully it gets rectified i am sorry for my negative behaviour and ive made posts in the past to apoligize about and even in my ticket i said sorry but i am not guilty of botting that i am not guilty not.

I am hopefully it gets overturned but yeh i gues its time to stop getting angry when i face a class i dont like im better then that and im experienced.

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People have posted here for years how they close the game, for a variety of reasons: lag, bad matchups, tilt, etc.

If that’s going to be actionable, they need to issue an appropriate warning that (insert new “BAD” behavior) is going to get you banned. Period.

But they didn’t.

Are you tilted, frequently. Sure. But balance that against the pollyana posts and it still tilts in favor of the “EVERYHTING IS AWESOME” side.

I find it refreshingly honest. Not everyone does, and if they don’t like it, close the thread and move on. Or don’t open it in the first place. It’s not like one can’t see who the author is before they click on it.


Good luck. I hope you get your account back from these ***holes!

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I think this will be fixed because it is obvious they are banning accounts because of a mistake now… more and more ppl reported the same. I think the problem behind this is the new ownership of the report system or they started to use it differently… it is not working properly and ban players because they concede matches is a bad reason I think… because THATS why we have a concede button… losing in pourpose should be allowed because it is bad for only the player… and a free win for the other one. Nothing is wrong with that in my opinion because they can’t force us to play a match which is already decided by the MM and it is obvius because of a lot of stupid mechnics which should never be created at all… Time is the most importat thing in this game and they should know this very well… Good luck to get back your account. :roll_eyes:

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In their reply they just gave me a reply without addressing the issue i gues i have to start from scratch.

i hope you get your account back! If I were you I would keep trying because if I ever got permabanned for fake being a bot I’d be super pissed!