T.N.T nerf or buff?

was this supose to be a nerf??? it’s still just as broken and auto win card. so broken just remove this pile of garbage.

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Its a nerf couse the T.N.T you draw will destroy even others T.N.T in your deck…I guess

seems more like a buff. i played against it 2 times now no chance once its in my deck i draw it and boom there goes my hand deck and any chance to win. game over. stupidly

I dusted the card for 1600 so it was intended to be a nerf. Seems like just a side grade to me though

No it won’t, it is stated explicitly on TNT that it won’t destroy other TNT. But yes it’s a nerf that you can’t actively proc them by shuffling your hand into your deck.

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Yes, they wanted this for a nerf… but still too strong… destorying too many cards… it should leave alone the enemies hands at least… destroy cards only on battlefield and deck maybe. Make it also Deathrattle, not Battlecry… however not sure if that would help either because there is a card which is destorying a minion and after dead, summon a copy of it… so… :roll_eyes: This card just seems like a mistake no matter how we look at it.