Titans + Death Knight need nerfs

I am just gonna say it both Titan cards and Death Knight cards are just unhealthy for the game. If blizzard is wondering why they have a declining player base on Hearthstone maybe play-test the cards and decks a little more and ask yourself if this is fun to play against. There is nothing fun about playing against a Yogg Saron card is absurdly broken. Deathknights are just an insane class in general they can do everything well.

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Thank you for your feedback, plump.

On behalf of the Hearthstone Balance team, I’d like to hear some of the specific balance changes you’d like to see for the Titans and the Death Knight, if you have any specific balance change ideas you can share.

Lastly, on behalf of the Hearthstone Makers, I’d like to apologize for their incompetence behind making Hearthstone and have you know that I am here to hear you.

You will have to give an example, but personally Yogg is a broken card and not broken due to power, but because it is not a fun card to play against especially when facing against a rogue or priest that keep dropping it.

The fact that it can mind control and wipe your entire pressure with an ability is absurd and have rogues return it back to the hand with 0 mana makes it a hard counter unless you are running something like Duke.

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I don’t know … I think when priest can play 3 copies of their titans… Might be more annoying.


Priest is a little manageable since they mostly pop off turn 9 and 10 but yogg can be dropped at turn 5 rogue with return making it near impossible for a counter. I rather play a priest with yogg any day over a rogue with yogg