Titans are stupidly OP cards

agreed, legendaries broke the game

Odyn in wild is just dumb design. I’d rather take on a couple 3/4 taunts each turn. Ignoring all taunt minions and hitting face for over 30 damage is just stupid.

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Just like using correct grammar is above your paygrade?

Bruh if titans text and function is beyond you you’ve got bigger problems than a game dissapointing you. Like brain damage level problems.


The obnoxious requirement to have them on your board for 3 turns, without someone sniping them or having enough damage to just kill them, makes them almost a wasted play for both mana and deck space sometimes. Honestly, I’ve only had 1 last for 3 turns and I was already winning on the last turn.

Titans are supposed to be powerful, it’s the flavor of the expansion. Playing a titan must feel good, impactful.

That being said titans alone are not OP. One can argue Sif is more important to mages than Norgannon is, Odyn is more important to warrior than Kaz’goroth.

Decks should be balanced as a whole. Don’t just look at a card in a vacuum and declare it OP, that’s not how card games work.


thats not a problem at all is a nice choice to have

I’m still waiting for the OP to come back and tell us when was the last time he played HS before returning now? It sounds like years to me.

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If I come back to a game I haven’t played in a long time and see something I don’t understand, I don’t get mad at the game for changing and being more complex.

I do a google search and go onto forums and research how X works, then I continue my gameplay.

It’s crazy this has to be said in the age of the Internet.


To be fair. Hearthstone is the one game where if you take a break you might be set back expansions behind.

But yeah Titans are basically like Spellcaster mercs in standard. Thing is though like 11 classes x 3 abilities + battlecry is like 44 abilities to learn one might only find by hovering over the card after it was played. Or manually hovering over each card with a new feature with the new display menu.

It’s easy to notice if you know, but it might be like noting herbs with a leperchan in osrs runescape. Unless someone had already told you if you missed the patch change, you might never have known to look. i consider myself a decent player yet i remember ysera once gave grief before i owned the card because i had no way to play it.

One play laters i understood it, but it was after having my board cleared 4 times, being hit in the face for lethal. And then trying to play around cards that never existed.

To this day, i still have no idea what Zayle’s cloak does or what deck it gives. Other than i am told it was apparently a bad version pf whizbang(?)

It’s certainly difficult to play around a card you haven’t yet seen with 44 effects to keep track of. They are kinda neat cards. Kinda sucks if you miss the one for the class you wanta play though. I got the rogue and dh tit4n without any rogue or dh deck to speak of.

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They really need to add a downvote button.

YGO and MTG have monthly releases for product. If anything HS is more forgiving than the other two.

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Titans are meant to replace Colossals after Rotation, that’s why they are OP. Whether or not that’s a good thing is a different story.

While titans are super OP, half the time games end by turn 4/5/6 before a titan can even show itself, so, idk


Titan cards are stupid OP. Try playing Duels. There’s virtually no point at the moment. They are auto win. Play 1 card, clear the board, fill your health full. Spells doing +5 damage on and on and on.

Like I get Hearthstone is a pay to win game, but giving total scrubs a 6 cost “ok I win now” card completely killed all the game modes. Arena is completely unplayable. Duels are completely unplayable.

Blizzard wonders why this game never takes off like it should. They have total morons in the mechanic design department.

Maybe in the standard ranked games the Titan cards are less cancerous. In duels, you either have to play that total noob Druid deck that lets you spam empty mana crystals and lower expensive card cost, or the total noob dragon decks that let you do the same.

People are playing Titan cards on turn 3-4. In most cases their passives are giving them another 1 when they draw it and they run cards that copy them.

The introduction of these cards is pretty clear there’s absolutely no quality control at Blizzard anymore. Just pump out broken sets. Let the noobs blow their money on them.

Having people answering on the forum and complaining at the same time is also a way to use the internet, you know :wink:.

That said, Titans are quite alien. You can think of it as Hearthstone’s copy of Planeswalker.

Titans are not allowed in arena for most classes. The only way you can get any titan in arena is with excavate mage.
And arena is a lot more fair and playable than has ever been. Anyone saying otherwise is a total scrub.

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Except 100X worse. They could have been created like Planeswalkers but they decided to just keep them as minions with restrictions.

The system itself is better than it was but it’s completely ruined by how many barcode decks you will face especially after 6-7 wins.

uh? are you angry about blizzard removing titans from arena ?

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This guy has to be one of the worst hearthstone players of all time for sure.
I mean, the kid is not even capable of reading two short lines of text in a card. Hahahah