Titans are stupidly OP cards

I’ve been playing the game since a long break, for like 2 weeks now, I still don’t quite understand Titans cards, aside that I lose when my opponent play one.

I kinda gave up trying to understand and read all the text it comes with (man, what a bad design, this game was to be a fun quick to learn experience), Titans cards come with so many stuff it’s ridiculous for their price. I guess if you made a 5 mana card with the effect “you win the game” people would notice the exploit, so congratulation to the guy who had the idea to hide this among the wall of text inside Titans cards…
I really don’t read it anymore, I just try to destroy it on my turn, if I didn’t conced already…


Man is literally upset that he has to read card text to understand how to win.


You know I have a timer to play my turn right? and there’s a lot to read if you’re returning to the game… but that is not the entirety of my point

The philosophy of the game was to be simple, and titans card break the game identity, it’s even required another UI to fit their text, this should be a deal breaker in development… And gain, this is only a smoke screen to hide the fact that the cards are OP, if you made a simple card with that much power it would look something like 10/10 Charge for 5 mana… But it’s harder to “see” this when the text is so big and does som many things

They even get their battlecrys out when summoned from the deck? really? Colossal? what is that? it come with Appendages? what appendages? what do they make? you only see it when it’s already hitting your face… so stupid, sorry, bad game design… unfortunatly driven by need to make ppl buy the new packs


lol text is bad design ?? this must be the first time i see someone telling us having to read the card texts is bad design


Every expansion, blizzard create a few new mechanics and keywords. It’s understandable that a returning player may be a little bit overwhelmed with all the new mechanics.

Be more patient, learn the new mechanics. It won’t take long before you learn what the colossus and titans do. Kinda like the prime in previous expansion, you learn by seeing them in play


If you don’t like reading text, would like to see you trying yu-gi-oh. HS cards have like no card text, it doesn’t get easier than this. Taking 10 seconds to read what a titan doesn can’t be that much.


My brother in Christ, titans have three abilities.
It’s just that, it’s that simple.


When players use a Titan, there’s often 1, sometimes 2 abilities that are commonly used and the others are not used as much. So you only need to really remember that ability and the Titan’s ongoing effect/Battlecry.

The Primus (Death Knight): Destroy an enemy minion. This minion and your hero gain its health. Then also discovers a card with that rune (in this case, Blood).

Argus (Demon Hunter): Summon four 2/2s, two to the left (which have Rush), two to the right (which have lifesteal) OR Reduce the cost of all minions in your hand by (2).

Eonar (Druid): Easy one to remember, either refreshes all your mana, heals you back to full, or draws until you have a full hand.

Aggramar (Hunter): Players often go for giving their weapon +2 attack and Immune while attacking, making the weapon they get a 5/3 off the bat.

Norgannon (Mage): Norgannon’s damage ability doubles from 5 → 10 → 20 after using the other two abilities.

Amitus (Paladin): 2 is the magic number here, draw 2 set to 2/2, buff minions +2/+2, set enemy minions to 2/2. Ongoing effect is your minions can’t take more than 2 damage at a time.

Aman’thul (Priest): Choose two enemy minions, remove them from the game. Discover a Legendary minion (from any class). The other 2 abilties summon “stuff”.

V-07-TR-0N (Rogue): Simple way to remember is they buff a friendly minion and give an effect of either: deal 4 damage to a random enemy, draw a card, or give “can’t be targeted by spells or hero powers”.

Golganneth (Shaman): Deal 3 to enemies + heal 6 to friendly characters. Your first spell each turn costs (3) less.

Sargeras (Warlock): Opens a Twisting Nether portal that summons two 3/2 imps each turn. Abilities: basically poof all minions into the Twisting Nether, or give future Demons summoned from the Twisting Nether +2 Health and Taunt.

Khazgoroth: He starts off as a 4/4 and can grow to a 9/4 Immune that attacks an enemy minion or a 4/9 Immune that attacks an enemy minion. If he gains attack, you gain attack, if he gains health, you gain armor. The third ability I hardly see used.


So for some context when is the last time you played the game before returning 2 weeks ago?

One big problem with Titans is the fact that they can be copied and double up on their already powerful effects. Priest being the main culprit.


To play devil’s advocate, Titans is probably one of the more wordy card types the game has seen.

One can argue that HS has always leaned more on the simple side, and arguably it’s done on purpose to make it easy to pick up. So Titans do kinda stand out.

As for power level… well power creep is a thing, and the very expansion is named Titans so while yes they are probably powerful, but at the same time that’s kinda the point.

It’ll be interesting to see how next year’s cards will be able to sell themselves while Titans will still be in rotation.

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Is this the first time anyone has called you a pathetic troll? Because you are.


ohh poor guy keeps trying over and over seems you only pop to go around doign the same every time you reply to me all over the forum

Because you are a troll who spends all day talking down to everyone. As many posts as you have its a shame most of them are just you looking for people to troll all the time.


To play devil’s advocate, Titans is probably one of the more wordy card types the game has seen.

It takes 10 seconds at most to read a titan card.


They have this wonderful list of cards available online at Standard Cards - Hearthstone Card Library (blizzard.com) where you can read all about the cards in Standard and you can take all the time you need to learn the cards without burning your turns away if you are too slow to do it in game.

I can see an argument being made for that point, but I would first argue that since this is a cross platform game that the smallest screens this game is meant to be played on is what they are keeping in mind first and foremost when designing how much text is to appear on a card or its popups. (BGs excluded because their list of buffs can go for miles even on a big tv screen). The ease of the game to pick up would just be ancillary to this goal being achieved. But I see your point tho.

OP. I get it with the so much reading can be an issue in the game. Earlier today I was finally able to purchase Rylak in BGs for the first time ever. And what did I sit next to it? An elemental that gives all minions +1/+1… Now Im not used to BGs ever giving any minions that can help your opponents defeat you faster, but this did because I failed to notice that it read all minions get the buff. Not just mine, not just the tavern but my enemy’s minions too. So i quickly had to recover from that fiasco and the only other battlecry minion I could obtain gave a minion +1/+1 for each minion type I owned. Again… I failed to notice that it wasnt specific, and of course it picked my enemy’s minion to buff… so I just auto conceded at that point.

I was nettled. I felt dumb. I get the feeling of having to be so attentive to the text of every card being a hassle. I have memory issues so unless its a standout positive or negative experience, I rarely can remember what anything is called let alone what it does. But now I know that Rylak is a trap and I will never try to use it again. Lesson learned. also battlecries in combat are also a trap. Fun note tho, recently learned that Cookie the Cook hero power can be used on tavern minions and not just your own minions. Makes that hero totally not a bad pick anymore lol.

No, you are wrong… a Titan does not mean an instant lose… Titan’s can be destroyed and silenced… Don’t panic when a Titan shows up…

Mate, if you can’t read like 30 short words and understand it - go play Candsy crash.

On second thought - even that might be above youy paygrade.

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Idk, titans imo didnt break the game its been broken for a long time.