Titans are a Mistake

Let me start off, by saying that Colossals as much as i hate because they are ridiculously broken cards for their cost (Blizzard has literally taken them out of the random spawn pool), at least had some extravagance to them.

A Beast so big that a regular Hearthstone card cannot contain therefore needing extra space (and extra cards) in the board to fit. And honestly, that was enough to make me appreciate the card to some level, but Titans are nowhere near that.

I’m sure that most people can attest that the reason they ‘like’ Colossals is the whole ‘taking more space than a regular card does’ and their Art. Because otherwise, all Colossals are are completely overtuned, broken cards that should have been nerfed a long time ago, but people have accepted them because it’s appealing to the eye seeing a Colossal being played.

Titans have nothing in comparison. They are just annoyingly strong cards with no flavor to them and hold no extravagance like their predecessors (Colossals) did.

Regarding the Art, let me say that all Titans look completely lifeless. And this was the first time i was skeptical taking the Tavern Pass because all the skins were so ‘dead’. Just look at the Brann skin for Hunter, i put to see it against the Innkeeper and i never used it again because it looks like a reanimated corpse … in a bad way.

The Design team, should be reprimanded for how they made Titans, and like 2 years with Colossals wasn’t enough, now we’ll have Titans that will be an auto include in every deck for the next 2!

And if someone doesn’t believe that, people are running Aman’thul on Shadow Priest where there is no synergistic aspect between the two, solely because the card is broken for its cost.

Just what does it say about a company that creates cards that are knowingly so broken that they pre-remove them from the summoning pool.


Titan cards just remind me of other past expansion I Win cards like Death Knights in Lich King. Especially ones like Warlock and Priest DKs. So it’s not unprecedented. If you took old DK power levels and translate them years down the line, Titans is about where we end up, I guess. I agree they are too strong. But at this point, what isn’t?

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I think not Titans were the mistake… The mistake was DK, super strong and fast aggro making, unlimited control decks, and broken OTK decks… These managed to kill the balance and that didn’t start with Titans expansion… :\

And they will come up with something even more broken before long that makes titans look tame by comparison.


I agree 100%. Everything since the introduction of DK seems to be an attempt to overpower the other classes in order to deal with the clusterf**k that DK turned out to be.

We’re about to get anomalies in Standard/Wild etc. I’m not saying you can expect to see Chogall decks all the time, but they are letting something like anomalies into the main game.

Anyway, my point is the devs are heading in a way different direction than what the game used to be. They keep relying on big, neat ideas that do HUGE things, but they put them in a game along with all the other cards without any actual playtesting; at least it never ever seems like they do.

It’s a game people can enjoy, sure, but there are some of us who just don’t want to do it anymore. Myself, I took a break for a whole expansion right after a rotation with FoL. I came back for a few games in Titans, and I noped out. Pretty sure for good.

Titan themself aren’t the problem mechs and armor warriors are the problem

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How are they a problem if everyone gets one?