Titan Yogg Saron Mostly Acts Like My Enemy

It always clears my side of the battlefield. I really got sick of seeing this. This is really disgusting.

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you had a board when you play it ?
after the nerf i use it only when my opponent has a big board or some minion i cant remove in any other way besides taking control of it with yogg

In those scenarios you proposed Boreas, it usually will cast a random couple buffs on their board instead of any clearing or removal. But a lot of the time it is as the OP stated. I especially love it when it does the random cast of destroy all minions spell to only follow up with a spell that needs a minion to target making it a whiff…

Of course it does: it’s literally a being of pure chaos. Every iteration of yogg cards causes some kind of random effect that will either nuke you, your opponent, one or both of your boards, and/oror blast itself in the face in the process. If you’re lucky, it does nothing.

Think of freeing the joker from arkham, but with cosmic powers. Now, he might be grateful, he might take you along on his next whirlwind scheme, or you might wind up facing his wrath because you spoiled his “perfect” escape plan.

Loosely based on the Lovecraftian yog-sothoth, and while a trip down that lane is an interesting one, those are beings who at best drive you insane, and at worst…well, it’s not safe to post it on the forums. But an encounter with them doesn’t leave you unscathed. Not even one as benign as yog-sothoth.

I’d surmise that wow’s yogg is the inspiration for the current state of RNGstone: heading for some kind of mega spin the wheel at mach 50, with the scene from the original tunnel scene from Charlie and the Chocolate factory dialed past 11.