[quote=“Maybe1day-1571, post:1, topic:5019, full:true”]
really? You say well played right before you kill me? Your being a jerk end of story if you really meant well played you would of said it sometime in the middle or at the beginning of the match not at the very end. [/quote]
When I sit down with a friend in real life to play a game, and we have a tense game that can go both ways, swings a few times, and eventually ends with one of us winning (or even in a draw, depending on what game), then I stand up, shake their hand, and say “well played”. Regardless of whether I won or lost.
When I sit down with a friend in real life to play a game, and RNG causes one of us to have a far better position than the other, the other struggles to get back into the game but never manages and eventually loses or concedes, I stand up, shake their hand, and say “well played”. Regardless of whether I won or lost.
When I sit down with a friend in real life to play a game, and they make some mis-plays, either because they are new to the game, or because they are not concentrated enough, but they do try, then at the end of the game I stand up, shake their hand, and say “well played”. Regardless of whether I won or lost.
When I sit down with a friend in real life to play a game, and they play like an absolute moron, making one mis-play after another, and it looks like they are not even trying to improve, then at the end of the game I stand up, shake their hand, and say “thanks for the game”. That is the only case where I cannot say “well played” because it would be dishonest. But I still respect them so I say “thanks for the game”.
In Hearthstone, standing up, shaking hands, and “thanks for the game” are not available. But “well played” is, and I emote that at the end of every game, except when I feel like my opponent really messed up completely. I also start every game with a “greetings” emote. During the game I hardly emote at all - except for a “wow” is something extreme lucky, unlucky, or unusual and weird happens, and except for a “well played” after a very specifically smart move from my opponent.
I am sorry if my courtesy offends you. But I will not change. I have been raised to show courtesy and respect to the people I interact with and I’ll continue to do so.
Hmmm. Good you are not a sore loser than.
I hope you’ll open lots of fantastic cards, nice RNG in your games, and if we ever queue into each other I hope for a long drawn match, swinging both ways, and eventually ending in a well-deserved win for one of us. I’ll emote you “well played” at the end, and I’ll mean every word of it.