Tired of all the jerks in this game

Ya because getting rick rolled I am sure they enjoyed the game but I did not… So it is a slap in the face. Now if it is a good game that literally comes down to the last few cards then sure it is a good game but we all know most games are lop-sided.

Even the really good players lose a whole lot of games. So it might be good to practice enjoying the game whether you win or lose.

I mean, if you’re not having fun, what’s the point?

I agree.
That’s why I don’t emote lol.

Unless they rope me every turn from 1 to 10.
Then I’m sorry, but you deserve the “Thank You!” spam as I beat your face in xD

I sometimes do it when I sincerely thought my opponent DID put in a good game. I might refrain from doing it in the future then and avoid upsetting people.

Because of a single forum thread?
There are also people (like me, for instance), who do appreciate it when their opponent has the courtesy of saying “hello” at the start of the match and “well played” at the end.


Omg, you greet people too?! You savage! lmfao

I love these threads every time.
Although I agree with OP in a sense…

I think thank you is a lot worse than Well Played.

I just assume they’re being nice and I thank them. I don’t take the game too seriously, I just try to have fun.

They still make my kids line up to shake hands/high five after their soccer game. It’s called sportsmanship. You Hello your opponent at the start and Well Played them at the end. I somewhat miss the “Sorry” emote as I would use it if rng was unfair to my opponent, no mal-intent, I truly feel their pain.

If trying to be a good sportsman makes me a jerk, then I am content to continue being a jerk…

I sometimes forget to ‘end my turn’ and I have to hit ‘Oops’ instead of sorry.