Tips on using each Legendary from Saviors of Uldum

Siamat is the most versatile of the bunch and can be inserted in more decks than Zephrys. Should be in with the overall top guys.

As a data point, I received the pally quest as my login reward and have tried out a fair number of homebrew variations.

The deck is STRONG, however since I play without Kangor’s or Undatakah (I don’t have either), I personally find it difficult to regain initiative (particularly during dead drawing) once the initial egg(s) are popped and zilliax is spent with all my other power cards at the bottom of my deck leaving me with a fistful of weak reborns.

I’m convinced Kangor’s &/or Undatakah are necessary. Granted, it could be weaknesses in my deck-building or playing style. Your mileage may vary.


you know for a card that often 3 for 1s it is really boring to play

I still kinda hesitate on crafting Siamat, but maybe for Shudderwock decks. He’s not like super essential if you want to explore different styles of play.

Competitive wise, more so.
Mmmmph, so many legendaries are in the “nice to have” category now.

I’ve been loving Phaoris in my Burgle Rogue. Swipe big spells and sit on them until I can get him out, and enough crowd control to keep me alive until then. Sitting at 62% WR through 15-10.

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Haven’t opened a ‘Legendary’ since before RoS. This I think is the new tactic to push more FTP players to buy packs.

Also, crafted and dusted Zephyrs, since I found it to be not so great!

I have updated some of the ratings and descriptions. I could go ahead and put in some more rare/common crafts, but there are a lot of potential ones that could lead you to different decks.

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