Time Warp, Thoughts?

I noticed that The Demon Seed made it off the ban list but noticed a new one (Crimson Clergy) or maybe it’s been there, but it got me thinking. How has time warp not been tuned or gotten a can only be cast once a game type wording? The things a single extra turn allows is just so much more than what a fish or a heal scum offers in my mind, and as its ideally setup to recast. All that to say, does anyone else think an extra turn was the ideal reward?

If I’m being honest I do kinda wish it did like anything else, and it’s here to stay and it’s going to be okay, but there’s just something about seeing a big scary get played and trying to deal with it, or a hairy armored Guff, Juggernauts and whatever else, but that no more turns for you it’s over feel is my least favorite of them all.