Time warp does not activate end of turn vs warlock legendary spell.

Its about time to turn it into a nonspell card.
It is breaking multiple interactions. With 0 interactivity. Want to change the game. Fix this.

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Currently Wheel of Death triggers at the end of the Warlock’s turn. So it not triggering on the Mage’s turn isn’t a bug and it isn’t the card working incorrectly.


It has nothing to do with the topic but Drakkari Enchater to make the wheel even faster :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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uh mage is interacting with wheel by preventing the warlock from getting the turns needed to advance the wheel

i got a good laugh from the post stating a card needing the player to end his turns to advance should advance without the player having turns

thats just like saying paladin dark knight hero should win the game without the 4 horsemen out

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Is this the new Leo/leo/Phen who actually responds or something?

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