Time to delete Druid

Just remove the class until it’s fully reworked

Agreed. Patch takes too long

we need better use of ramp maybe more manathrist cards !

I just played against druid deck with a pure paladin, not only they had the resource to keep my board in check, by turn 9 they only had 1 (one) that is only one card left to draw from their deck, i was at 17, not only having zero mana play spells two times then 3 mana gain 20 armor and draw 4 cards then play minions using armor, and fotobombed the hand with all legendaries to play them again … i normally don’t bother wasting time writing on forums but for Blizzard to allow this kind of bullshaite deck to exist in a so called competitive enviroment is … no comment

Remove Ignis and Yogg. Problem solved.

Maybe you learn how to play and use more than the min. requirement of 2 braincells as most aggro players tend to do?

I’d be happy if they just deleted them. But then I guess Priest would have to go, and Rogues, and all the classes expect for Mage if they brought back the original Jana skin.

Signed…I want my Jailer back lol.

Jailer was actually making druid worse.
The ban of Jailer improved the deck alot.
This actually shows how bad the balance team is.

honestly, dew process needs revamped to be one of those “for the next 3 turns” sigil type cards … the whole continuous 2x free coldlight oracle effect at the start of every turn is ridiculous … it’s probably my least favorite thing druid has going for it, and it enables so much of the “mill into free combo win” bs

Shocking news: firm with long outstanding track-record of being utter dogs* fails to change and actually balance something.

More news at 8pm.


Why do i still play this game.

Problem with Druid is their core identity is ramping up mana, but when you add cards in the mix that allows them to max out at 10 on turn 5… you can expect a rough time.