Time to allow ranked class ban?

This would solve a lot of issue. Instead of making highlander deck start of game, highlander can just ban DKs. For everyone else they can ban either warrior warlock or paladin. Some people may even want to ban priest (on principle) mage, rogue, or shaman, but everyone gets 1 class ban to use for ranked. This isn’t the first time I’ve advocated for this so I know all the pros and cons. It really does seem past time to do this. Let players take the game into our own hands (at least a little bit). Otherwise you just get these auto-concede scenarios and no one has fun.

this meta is incredibly painful for DKs. Their best deck is plague which is just awful. They just don’t stand a chance against these current decks. Hearthstone hasn’t been this unfun pretty much ever. Why blizzard is dragging their feet fixing it is beyond me


Thank you for supporting this change. Right, it hardly even matters for highlander decks because few play the plague dk, but when you do, it is auto concede and neither has fun, so why not just skip that whole interaction and get on to better/actual matches?

That’s the biggest problem right now. Unless you’re the insanely broken top 3 (paladin, warlock and warrior), this isn’t fun for anyone. They are isolating hundreds of thousands of people instead of just patching in easy fixes.


DK has a 62% winn deck to climb with, so hardly that bad. try mage rogue druid priest.
but it would be so nice to ban one class out.
been discussed many times,and the for some reason people think the rock scissor paper.
balance would spin off.
i think it would balance out because people wouldent pick the same class to ban.

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Exactly. It would definitely just be an additional layer of balance as decided by each and every player. An additional filter, heck it would single handedly get rid of mech rogue bots or even shaman bots or treant druid bots or whatever the current bot infestation is in Wild

No, it wouldn’t. No matter what deck people queue up with they need to be matched to an opponent in a timely manner. You’re not talking about solving a problem, you’re talking about making it someone else’s problem.

You know I usually don’t reply to you but on this particular occasion I’m bored enough to do so because you are wrong (as usual). I (and I wager most players) would far prefer to wait 30 seconds for a match they know won’t result in auto-lose or auto-concede scenario, than 5 seconds for a match where they auto-lose or auto-concede. This is more akin to making everyone’s problem lessen or disappear than it is to making my (our) problem someone elses.

I don’t care about how much you want to wait. I care about how long the class you’re banning has to wait. What you’re doing here is othering anyone who plays the class you don’t like, treating them as if they aren’t people.

I would love to see the option for individual players to give themselves a skip/ban option for Classes they don’t like to play against. For instance, I’m relatively new. And while I lose a lot of matches just because I’m still learning the game, coming up against a Paladin right now? It feels super sh!tty. I really don’t want to have to try and play against something so damned oppressive.

I feel like giving the individual player a more consistent voice in their experience would go a long way towards making the game more enjoyable for people like me. People who love these kinds of card games, but are still a little on the newer side. Or people who just keep getting rolled by Shaman Turn 6 Lightning OTK. (Which has happened to me a few times. But, I’d still be yeeting Pali out of my matchmaking every time).

Take the Class Ban option out of Legend but keep it in the Metals. Let people have a better time climbing and playing the game. Let them enjoy the game.

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Let me get this straight. You want a player to be able to check a box enabling matchups without a counter? And this SOLVES an “issue”?

Sometimes the forums are so strange. I remember when Theo was everyone’s (well mostly it seemed) favorite card to hate on. “It’s broken!” “Hand interaction is cheating!”, and now we have people complaining about OTKs/Turn six lethals.

I hope and don’t expect to ever have a class ban. Part of this game is facing your counter and having the counter.


Rigged no fun game, nerf brann to neutral, netdecking brainless, p2w, they should be fired, stop printing “I win” cards :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

It didn’t happen in 10 years. I’m 100% sure it won’t happen now or later

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For me, at least, it’s not about matchups without a counter. It’s about encountering these same matchups that play out the same, completely oppressive, and completely unfun.

Your options at that point are to concede the moment you realize what deck your opponent is playing and hope you don’t come up against the same deck again. Or deal with it. Or leave the game entirely.

I’m a relatively new player, as I said in my previous post, and there have been several times where I’ve just completely rage-quit the entire game because of a streak of horrible losses facing the same opponent class over and over and over again.

In 73 games here is my opponent Spread:

  • 19 Death Knights
  • 3 Demon Hunters
  • 6 Druids
  • 5 Hunters
  • 7 Mages
  • 13 Paladins
  • 4 Priests
  • 1 Rogue
  • 5 Shaman
  • 1 Warlock
  • 9 Warriors

17.8% of my matches have been against Paladins.

Not only that but if we count that the average Hearthstone game lasts anywhere from 5-10 minutes (we’ll use 7 minutes for the sake of math), that’s 91 minutes I’ve spent in matches against Paladins. 91 minutes where I just do not have fun.

My current WinRate stats tell me I have a 23% chance of Winning against a Paladin.

So. Just based on type matchups, I have around 18% of my games where I have a 20% chance of winning.

I am, by no means, a great player or anything. I’m in the low-metals. I’ve got probably a 50/50. Or slightly above or below that Winrate. Until I learn more and get better at the game, I’m probably exactly where I need to be on the ladder. But 18% of my games where my chance to win is dropped by 46% just because of my opponent’s class seems ridiculous to me.

I obviously don’t speak for everyone. But for people like me, at least, adding the option for a singular player not to be matched against a class of their choice would enhance the experience greatly. I’m not looking to get handed an easy way up the ladder. I just want to be able to have fun. Even when I get creamed.

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Except it’s not one player, it’s all of them. Take Paladin, for example, since you mentioned it. What if every non-pally player chose not to play Paladin INCLUDING the pally players. You don’t have to worry about a timer because you’re game is now click Play/Cancel over and over if you want to play Paladin, thus an entire class is unplayable. What about the F2P players who only have cards good enough to support a pally deck? Or any other class?

Not to mention, something like a “pick a class not to play” just allows the devs to once again put a band-aid on the actual balance of a game mode, like damage cap in BGs, which I’d like to get a look before the next season. I’d much prefer the cards/decks have good balance, at least have each class with a 50/50 win rate.

I believe what you say about your intentions, but the intention is largely irrelevant because the consequences would be the same either way.

I completely understand where you are coming from. When I started playing, I hated facing a certain priest deck. I just never won any games against it and felt like every game against priest was incredibly long, boring and unfun. I began conceding as soon as they played their quest turn 1, and I would have gladly banned priest from my matchups.

If you are concerned about having fun, I would recommend conceding against Paladin so that you don’t waste your time. If you are more concerned about winning, then I would recommend either playing a different deck or adjusting your strategy. Paladin should be nerfed today, so they will hopefully be easier for you to defeat going forward.

Not only does this potentially greatly increase wait times for certain audiences, it just created a more complicated balance issue, where those who know what to ban get better matchups, while casual players who don’t really care about banning classes constantly get put up against counters, due to their better matchups banning them

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Have you tried the dk handbuffer it’s so broken op

It is an optional feature, you do not have to use the class ban if you don’t want. I also think that says A LOT about the game if you/we believe/accept that it would greatly increase wait times…and not in a good way. It also can’t be a balance issue in a game that does not strive or care for balance and is fundamentally unbalanced. Again I will reiterate from my original post, I have already experienced and know all the potential pros/cons for this issue, Yet I still posted recommending the change. This means that all of the pros far outweigh all of the cons (I’m not a monster, I have principles), you all can continue talking about potential cons all you want, but I’ve already taken them all into consideration and still gone ahead with my recommendation, so it’s kinda moot.

Exactly, those who do use it have a competitive advantage vs those who dont use it, because if theres really only 1 true tyrant in a meta, everyone bans them, leaving those who dont want to use the feature at a MUCH higher odds of facing that 1 class due to them being the only people not choosing to ban it.