Tickets been open for 5 days!

Seriously; what am I supposed to do? I’ve been waiting and checking almost every day its been 5 days and my ticket is open. Idk… haven’t played hearthstone in two weeks. Account lock no explanation; research of my own showed chargebacks… I’ve invested much more than the price of the chargebacks. I have a card on file for Blizzard to charge… IDK WHATS taking so long? I bought wizbangs too. Really need to get this account unl.ocked. Not to mention i have 63 pages of transactions… I’ve played for a long time and have eveery card… Alll of a sudden i try to login because im diamond 5 and im so close to legendary and my acounts locked??? No email with a explanation either… I did myt own resarch and i ahgve chargebacks from, NOvember (just a few)… if this isn’t the reason then i have no idea what i did.