Thoughts on today, how to win this week's tavern brawl

Okay so when I got home around 6 and really need to hit the sack at 11 I was like new expansion, well yeah, we knew that was coming, but already a mini event? Like good grief, give me a chance to see what we’ve got before you throw some you should really do this today crap yet besides.

Except they threw tavern brawl at us and it pretty much completed my today mini event stuff on my 2nd match.

Now I’m not sure as I won my 2nd attempt at tavern brawl, but I was on a whim thinking Emerald Dream, maybe it’s geared towards druids? So I picked that and got absolutely demolished by a dk. So I thought well maybe it’s dk. Next match is again dk vs me another dk. Like 23 turns later I did win. Really funny how that happened too, but anyway, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say if you want to win this week’s tavern brawl it’s dk.

In case anyone wonders how did I win? Well we both threw everything at each other, but I was kinda winning the whole match. So we both were still holding the 100 cost minion, and the 7 cost open infinite portal minion. Those got thrown out there and we started one upping each other until I got a 7 cost charge discard 2 cards for 20 attack minion and next turn he killed it, but also had been knocked down to 8 health. I had like 40 and he never healed himself or put down a taunt minion. Surprise! I have another of those charge minions with 11 attack. ROFL!


brother, this brawl is a good way to see how busted druids are… again.

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Druids are extremely busted, not only does their hp minion scales with each imbue, they have a legendary that imbues start of game, a legendary with a choose thrice of get a 5/5 taunt or give your other minions +1/+3, and let’s not forget the legendary that if you imbued 4 times discover an wild god legendary and set it’s cost to 1. That’s just asking for a nerf combining it with Aggraggaman

Edit: at least they cap Aggraggaman health cost at 10

Sweet. Rogue can just trap your entire hand. Nothing like not being able to actually play cards I have the mana to play. SO much fun AND interactive.

The question is how quickly will they nerf druids with whatever nonsense reasoning behind it.

well I guess I didn’t get that far with the druid then

Hunter is toeing the line with its imbue, give a minion in your hand a buff AND reduce it’s cost

I won with Shaman my first match.

I really like Imbue/evolve Slotsman.

Mage seems OP for it, because it often goes late game and its hero power is usually strong at that point and doesn’t need cards to work, but I don’t know if that translates to constructed.