So I personally like Diamonds Yet they aren’t “making them anymore” .
Signature Cards are really nice I recently got The Starcraft & the Neutral Ship Signatures at the Start of Great Beyond. *got a 15 bucks off mobile version cause I was gonna hold off on the purchase & another offer appeared payed 12$ for it Super way worth it anyway…
I felt The Starcraft & Neutral Ship Signatures held “value” since it gave you all the signature Ships & the starcraft cards are played thru all the classes.
I like that you can see the Full Art of the Card yet the Border is so ugly compared to the Diamond Cards even Gold cards Shine better Than the Signature border its very lack luster.
My suggestion would be that the Border Glow like one of those Florescent colors like those deep purple or greens Wow is good at doing. Or even let us choose the color.
Wish they would change the boring sand in the background as well
I always assumed they make diamond and signature card art each card release expansion are you sure they are no longer making diamond cards
Regarding diamond portraits those are cool to me the standout diamond hero portraits are the new Gen portrait the diamond Malygos mage portrait and i actualy liked the first hunter diamond portrait very cool those are my top 3 but not the only ones i like
To anwser your question i like both signature and diamond cards.
I think they are making Diamond Heros portraits yet no more Diamond Cards they were shifted out for Signature Cards they explained it in one of the patches a while back I think Old god signatures.
I am on the fence about getting the worgen warrior/shaman Diamond Portait 25$ aint to bad of a price for how it interacts/changes.
I have the C’thun Portrait for Druid & it was 25$ as well I think & it was way worth it in my eyes wish it had more flare tho like some Diamonds That Start with like a Wildlife Background at the start of game or like kerrigans ending of the slime/creep on the board. Wish it was a permeant board.
I see so they did stop yeh and sorry for the late reply i think both looked good but for me from an artwise perspective signature art have more potential since there are many ways to do art.
The Genn skin is pretty cool like i said earlier
If you look at the new Tyrande signature u can see its abit different then say the Deathknigt Legendary Nythendra but both look cool.
Thats the main plus point of signature cards u have many artstyles to express artistic flair
I hope there is a way to view signature cards on playhearthstone site i dont think there hopefully its added if possible or they just show both.
so not sure if you noticed yet it seems they are still pumping out Diamond cards the tavern pass has one & then the 2 in store for 60$ which is a crazy price thats a full AAA game or watever the saying is lol
Hey bro i was about to say they included some diamond cards in the this rewards track.
I dont have a problem with the price they have alot of different deals i think the price changes on the type of card or the quality of the card.
Either way u must be thrilled to know they still make diamond cards which you prefer glad your enjoying yourself i am just experimenting myself with the new stuff
Like i said not all the cosmetics are the same and some come with different packages etc or qaulity.
But yeh i agree the signatures look amazing The Tyrande one is the best for me also they will be giving the curator signature version for free im not sure when though - i am right about that right?
Hearthstone has just the right economy thers free stuff but theres also rly cool cosmetics for ppl who want to spend and their art has always been the best for me.