Thoughts on Nethrandamus in Demon Hunter?

So I was streaming yesterday and decided to test out a new card in my demon hunter deck. I slapped in Nethrandamus in the deck. I found it to be crazy good in late game when it can stack up with Coordinated strike/Command the Illidari. I do not see anyone in the meta using it. What do you think?

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My semi-random thoughts. Based on playing not that many games with Demon Hunter, meeting many of them as opponents, and watching streams.

My first DH games were with the standard deck (I may have swapped some cards but not many). That deck includes Nethrandamus. I’ve found it to be unreliable.
If it’s in your hand at the right time, with the right other cards to buff it, then it can make a huge difference.
But if it’s in your hand early, then it’s a dead card for a long time.
If you draw it but don’t draw your “summon a horde of 1/1s” cards, it’s either a dead card or a very low value tempo play.
And if you draw it very late, you might never be able to buff it enough.

Especially at higher levels (where I don’t play; this is based on Twitch) I would expect opponents to have a way to deal with three big minions on turn 9/10. The decks that beat an opponent by summoning big stuff do this over and over again until their opponent runs out of removal. DH can do it once.

But I think that the most important reason the meta doesn’t use it is the high success rate of tempo and aggro DH decks. I have seen a few control DH decks on hsreplay, but they do far worse. The current toolkit of DH simply favors aggro and tempo over control. And Nethrandamus is a card that fits way better as a late game card in a control deck


It is good but too slow. DH must finish the game before it can get to table.

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It’s a fun card, for sure, but I found myself never really taking full advantage of it because I’d win before it could properly build up and be put into play.

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Frequently it’s dead at the bottom of the deck.

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I agree as well. With further testing, pretty much everything you said is what happens. It can either be a dead card or they have an answer later on. I have found Demon Tempo to be much more effective. Thank you for commenting. :grin:

One of the weaker dragons unfortunately. Either you are forced to have a dead 9 mana card in your hand for most of the early game so that it can grow in strenght or you topdeck it and it is a 9 mana 8/8 that summons two wisps. The other free legendary Illidan got is simply so much better and synergizes better with his general outcast mechanic too. If it were a demon instead of a dragon it would be better as well.

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It’s a fun card and I use it my Demon Hunter deck, but it definitely does have it’s draw backs. Most of these have said in one form or another, but the bottom line is that it’s NOT reliable at all. Thus it can’t ever be super competitive. I do use it in my deck, but I play wild only. Also, I’m not really trying to be super competitive. My deck feels competitive to me because I was out of the game for a long time, and there’s a ton of cards I’m missing. I’ve been able to get to the higher rankings of silver consistently with my deck that has it, but that’s about it.

I will say you don’t have to wait as long as what you might think. I find that waiting until it’s infused with 7 or 8 mininons is actually better than waiting until 10. Seems like the super high level minions have battle cry effects you’re not getting anyway whereas 7 or 8 mana cost have higher stats… I don’t know if that’s true or not statisically, but seems to work.

Where it I think it helps the most is using it as a way to get rid of your opponet’s removal card/ making them think you’ve played a trump card when you haven’t.

Again fun card, but it’s also a hope and prayer if nothing else… I have won many a game with the minions that it summoned, but you obviously wouldn’t want to count on that in a pinch.

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