Thoughts on golden card bundles

I’m all for offering the golden card bundles for those of us who in theory would like to get all cards in golden quality. I know it’s impossible unless you make like 150k and are a fool with your money, but I’m trying to get certain ones anyway.

I did make a list of all the cards I would like to see and yes that comes out to 770,000 dust i’d need. So again not gonna happen.

But what erks me is when I buy the $70 wild golden card bundle tonight and then Blizz steals 650 dust from me because 4 of the cards I got are uncraftable meaning no disenchant. Nevermind that those cards I’m sure are the ones you get from leveling so why was I given them in cards packs as I’m 100% sure I already had 2 copies and somehow it still shows only 2 copies when I then went looking for the card to see if I already had it / needed to note it on my list, only to discover that it’s an uncraftable and that again Blizz stole from me.

650 dust is a few regular (non golden) packs worth $1 a piece.

And more context I made a subset list of the cards that look like they’d be sweet to have in golden and that will cost me about 30,000 more dust. Not that much really as I had 15,000 dust last expansion.

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This is their new scam. Making more cards undistable, upping the prices, and more predatory monetization.

And their fans are pushing “subscription” as an alternative, which will be an even worse scam.

Vote with your wallet people, it’s the only way the powers that be will get rid of these clowns and hire some people who actually care about the game.

If you are a shareholder, make your voice heard through all the appropriate channels, including your government investor ones.

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They give you uncraftables>??? I nearly bought the normal wild one for dust … stopped myself luckily.

Care to tell us which ones? Chances are those are in the core set and you won’t see them in your collection unless you specifically go to the original set they’re from (where you’ll be able to dust them).

Sorry I didn’t note them, but did screenshot my openings so I could go find the cards to disenchant them being as not doing so would mean my having to go through 275 pages looking for cards.