I’m really not and a huge part of that is just general dissatisfaction with the game outside of Standard. I can’t say that there’s anything even particularly wrong with Standard right now. The last set changed things up as far as the metagame goes, the bans changed things up, but it still feels surprisingly stagnant and we were promised Twist this month and as far as I’ve seen there’s still no word on that. It’s also the third month in a row I haven’t even bothered hitting legend. Hell, I’m not even diamond on standard ranked right now. I have dailies I haven’t finished since last week.
Meanwhile, MTG just kind of delivers on many things I want from this game. Multiple formats that actually have living communities, old cards making their way into play, compelling product. And for that last point it’s not to even say that Hearthstone doesn’t have compelling product but it’s moreso the fact that there’s various products throughout multiple formats (the first thing I addressed liking MTG for) that give people reasons to play things from 1994 to 2024.
For example, last night was Thursday night commander for basically every shop in the area. I was playing in my pod and one of my tutors gets silenced via the Stifle. A card originally printed in 2003. A card that on the open market for $24 for a near mint copy. A card that still has competitive use. Why is it that so much of the printed history of this game is just totally unusable and there’s STILL no attention to Wild or Twist?
Idk I thought I’d be going crazy over all the revealed cards for the mini-set and I’m just not.